1.Bagra, K., Dutta, R., Das, D.N. (2014). Portraying in-situ habitat features of Assamese king fish Semiplotus semiplotus (McClelland, 1839) from Sipu River in West Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. International journal of research in fisheries and aquaculture; 4(1):47-57, ISSN: 2277-7729
2. Dutta, R., and Das, D.N. (2014) Length-Weight relationship and condition factor of Semiplotus semiplotus (McClelland, 1839) from Dikrong River, Arunachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume, 4: (3):1- 7, ISSN: 2250-3153
3. Darshan, A., Dutta, R., Kachari, A., Gogoi, B., Aran, K., Das, D.N., (2014) Creteuchiloglanis payjab, a new species of glyptosterine catfish (siluriformes: sisoridae) from Yomgo River, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Aqua. International Journal of Ichthyology, Volume, 20 (2): pp.73- 80.ISSN: 0945-9871
4. Darshan, A., Dutta, R., Kachari, A., Gogoi, B., Das, D.N. (2015) Glyptothorax mibangi a new species of catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from the Tisa River, Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India. Zootaxa, 3962 (1): 114–122, doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa. 3962. 1.5, SCI2013/2014 Impact Factor: 1.06; Impact factor in NAAS, 2014: 7.06., ISSN: ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition); ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
5. Darshan A., Kachari, A., Dutta, R., Ganguly, A., Das, D.N. (2016) Amblyceps waikhomi, a New Species of Catfish (Siluriformes: Amblycipitidae) from the Brahmaputra Drainage of Arunachal Pradesh, India. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147283. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0147283; Impact factor: 3.05, ISSN: 1932-6203
6. Gogoi B, Kachari, A., Dutta, R., Darshan, A., Das, D.N. (2015) Fishery based livelihood approaches and management of fishery resources in Assam, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 2(4): 327-330, ISSN: 2347- 5129
7. Kachari, A., Gogoi, B., Dutta,R., Aran, K.,Ghosh, P.,Maitra, S., Bhattacharya,S., Das, D. N.(2014) Habitat Preference of an Endangered Hill Stream Catfish Olyra longicaudata (McClelland) From Arunachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(3): 86-93, ISSN: 2347-5129
8. Das D.N., Darshan A, Dutta R, Abujam S (2017) First Record of Batasio Spilurus Ng from the Siang River of Arunachal Pradesh, Northeastern India (Teleostei: Bagridae), Journal of Fisheries Sciences. com 11(2):021-027, ISSN: 1307-234X
9. Darshan, A., Barat, A., Dutta, R., and Das, D.N.(2016) Discrimination of Seven species of Bagrid catfishes under the genus Mystus using RAPD fingerprinting. Journal of Bioresources, 3(2) 1-5, ISSN: 2394-4315
10. Dutta, R., Darshan, A., Das, D.N. (2018) Taxonomic Validation of the Assamese King Fish Semiplotus semiplotus (McClelland, 1839) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) with Notes on its Biology and Habitat, Journal of Bioresources 5(2): 65-71, ISSN 2394-4315