03772 296164

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Finance and Entrepreneurship


1. One paper entitled “IMPACT OF UNION BUDGET 2015-16 ON THE SHARE PRICES: a case study on the share prices of five companies listed in the national stock exchange” has been published in the journal “Researchers World” having ISSN no.: 2231-4172 in July 2015, Volume VI. 2. One paper entitled “A STUDY OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY ‘JAPI’ ( Jateeya Activities Promoting Institution)—SIVASAGAR, ASSAM, IN PROMOTING HANDICRAFTS IN SIVASAGAR DISTRICT OF ASSAM.” has been published in the journal “International Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research” having ISSN no.: 2277 3630. 3. One paper entitled “ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES TAKEN BY THE CORPORATE HOUSES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY IN THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2013-14.”has been published in the journal “International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research” having ISSN no.: 2277-6788. 4.

Book Chapters

1. Title of the Chapter: Impact Of COVID-19 On The Share Prices Of Oil Sector Companies Listed In The National Stock Exchange: A Study Name of the Book: Impact of covid-19 on Indian Society: Challenges and Opportunity Publisher’s Name with ISBN: Balaji Publication, New Delhi (ISBN-978-93-85756-99-3) 2. Title of the Chapter: Socio Economic Condition Of Tea Garden Labourers Of Assam Name of the Book: Tea Makers of North East India Publisher’s Name with ISBN: South Eastern Book Agencies, Ghy-781024 (ISBN-978-93-89262-14-18) 3. Title of the Chapter: Problems and Prospects of Agarwood Planters of Assam- A study Name of the Book: New Directions in Research Publisher’s Name with ISBN: Balaji Publications, (ISBN: 978-93-91661-62-5) 4. Title of the Chapter: Socio-Economic Condition of women workers of tea Industry in India: Research indication for the period from 2000 to 2022 Name of the Book: Women’s Well-Being (Inclusive and Sustainable growth) Publisher’s Name with ISBN: The Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar 5. Title of the Chapter: Impact of Union Budget 2016-17 on the share prices of Oil sector Companies listed in the National Stock Exchange. Name of the Book: Dimensions of Multidisciplinary research studies Publisher’s Name with ISBN: Kasturi Printers & Publishers (978-93-5105-260-9)

Book Edited

1. Name of the Book: Entrepreneurship Development Publisher’s Name with ISBN: Mahaveer Publication, Dibrugarh-786001 ISBN: 978-93-89904-87-1


1. The future of Borrowing: A critical review of Progress and Prospects of Lendtech in India (IQAC, Golaghat Commerce College, Golaghat, Assam in collaboration with Kolkata Bidhannagar Society for Academic Advancement, West Bengal, on 6th and 7th Sept. 2024) 2. Skill Development and Unemployment: A descriptive study (organized by IQAC, Gargaon College on 1st April 2023) 3. Financial Awareness amongst street vendors in Sivasagar District of Assam: a case study (organized by Department of Economics, Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar on 11th March 2023) 4. Prospects of Assam's Organic Tea in Tea Market. (organized by Department of Economics, Gargaon College on 24th August 2019) 5. Socio Economic Condition of Tea Garden Labourers of Assam- A case study on the labourers of Charaideo Purbat Tea Estate and Santak Tea Estate. (organized by Department of Sociology, Jorhat College (Amal.) on 3rd and 4th October 2016. 6. Socio Economic Condition of Mishing People of Santak Bor-Mishing Village. (organized by Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar on 28th September and 29th September 2015) 7. Role of Corporate Social Responsibility towards the sustainability development through the environmental initiatives. (organized by Department of Philosophy, D.C.B. Girls' College, Jorhat on 11th and 12th September 2015.

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