(1) National Seminar Cum Workshop on APPLICATION OF THE ASSAMESE LANGUAGE IN MASS MEDIA, Organized by Centre for Studies in Languages, Dibrugarh University, in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages,Mysore & Dibrugarh University 'AASU' Unit, From 28th August to 1st Sept 2018
Paper Title: Sampratik Asamiya Batori Kakotar Batorir Shirsak :Eti Adhyayan
(2) Second International Seminar on Sankardev and the Bhakti Movement of India, Organized by Sri Sankardev Sanskriti Sama j(PuriPrakalpa)In collaboration with Sri Jagannath Sanskrit University, Puri Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Sri Jagannath Chetava Gavesana Pratishthan, Puri on 5th Dec,2018 at Sankardev Namghar Premise, Puri, Odisha
Paper Title: Sanksrdevar Samaj Sangathanik Chinta aru Samajat eyar Prasangikata: Eti Bislesanatmak Adhyayan
(3) ICSSR Sponsored National Conference/Seminar on Sustainable Agriculture in North East India: Issues, Policies and way Forward, Organised by Dept. Of Economics, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam, On 24 August, 2019
Paper Title: Asamia Loka Sahityat Krisi Samparkiya Asar-bidhi: Eti Bislesanatmak Adhyayan
(4) MAKAIAS Sponsored National Conference/Seminar on Cultural and Linguistic studies in North East India: Prospects and Challenges, Organised by Deptt. Of Languages, Sankardev College, Shillong, Meghalaya,On 30 & 31 Oct,2019
Paper Title:The Festival of Bihu Celebrated by Bakalial Tribe of Assam: Tradition and Change
Paper Title: Ekabingsha Shatikar Asamiya Shishu Kabitat Pratiphalita Samaj Bastavata : Eti Adhyayan
(6) ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Conflict in Border Areas, Ethnicity and Socio-Economic Devalopment of Assam,Organised by IQAC, Dikhowmukh College, Sivasagar, On 23 & 24 March, 2022
Paper Title: Asamiya kathachabit Assam-Nagaland Sima Bibadar Pratichabi
(7) ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Unsung Heroes of freedom struggle of the Northeast in folk narratives, Organised by DEPARTMENT OF Folklore Research, Gauhati University, On 25 & 26 March, 2022
Paper Title: Lokasahityat Britis Shasita Asamar Chitran:Eti Chamu Adhayan
(8) National Seminar on Growth and Development of Indegenouus Language of Northeast India:Prospects and Challenges, Organised by IQAC Demow College in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Language, Mysuru, On 10 & 11 Feb , 2023
Paper Title: Taiphake Lokasahityar Prakarjya: Eti Adhyayan
(9) ) ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Writings from North East India: Trends and Issues, Organised by Dept. of English, Gargaon College, in collaboration with IQAC Gargaon College and Gargaon College Central Library, On 24 & 25 Feb , 2023
Paper Title: Asamar Tai khamyang Janagosthir Lokasahitya: Eti Adhyayan
(10) National Seminar on Atmanirbhar Bharat: Opportunities and Challenges with Special Focus on North East India, Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Celll (IQAC), Gargaon College, On 1st April, 2023
Paper Title: Atmanirbhar Bharat prasanga aru Asamiya Ucchaman Bishay: Eti Alochana
(11) National Seminar on SPIRITUALITY: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED SIGNIFICANCE, Organized by Sati Radhika Mahila Tirtha and Dept. of Assamese, Gargaon College, On 7 October, 2023
Paper Title: Taiphake Lokasahityat Boudha Dharmar Prabhav: Eti Adhyayan
(1) National Seminar on Recent Issues in Literature and Language studies, Organised by Dept. Of Assamese, Dibrugarh University, On 30 March, 2019
(2) National Seminar on The Assamese Language and Literature and their Future, Dept. Of Assamese, Cotton University, Guwahati, On 22 &23 Oct, 2019
(3) National Webinar on Open and distance learning as alternative, Pandu College, Guwahati, 9/6/ 2020
(4) Two days International web conference on The Role of Literature in the time of Crisis like Coronaavirus Pandemic, Deptt of English, Shivaji Mahavidyalaya Udgir, 10-11 June,2020
(5) National Webinar on Contemporary Assamese Literature (2000-2020), Deptt of Assamese, Tezpur University, 12th June,2020
(6) National Webinar on Line of Amity; An Eye to India-China Boundary Resolution, Dept of Pol. Sc. In Collaboration with IQAC Gargaon College, 13 June, 2021
(7) National Webinar on Gaveshana Patra Prastutkaran: Paddhati aru Koushal, Department of Assamese, Gargaon College, 22 June, 2021
(8) State level webinar on Physical Health of working women with special reference to preventive measures, Organised by Women’s cell, Assam College Teacher’s Association, on 8/10/2021
(9) Online National Webinar on A review of the union budget in the post reform period, Organized by Deptt of Economics & IQAC, Gargaon College in collaboration with Deptt of Economics, Mahapurush Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya & Deptt of Economics, Assam Women’s University, held on 18/02/2022
(10) Online National webinar on NAAC: Assessment & Accreditation and it’s Implementation in the Revised Framework,Organized by UTKARSHA FOUNDATION, Assam, India, held on 27 Feb, 2022
(11) Online national webinar on Women making a difference, Organized by Women’s cell, IQAC & Gargaon College Teacher’s Unit, held on 8 March, 2022
(12) International Seminar on Importance, Sacred Landscape and Value-Based Management of the Ahom Moidams of Charaideo in Assam(India), Organized by Directorateof Archaeology, Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture Department, in collaboration with Sub Divisional Officer(Civil), Nazira, Govt. of Assam, held on 10th -12th March , 2022
(13) One day online webinar on Intellectual property right, Organized by Amguri College,Assam in collaboration with Cell for IPR Promotion and Management,Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, held on 10 March, 2022
(14) Online national webinar on Russia-Ukrain crisis 2022: An Indian perspective, Organized by Deptt of Political Science in collaboration with IQAC, Gargaon College, held on 17 March, 2022
(15) Online IP Awarness/Training program under National Intellectual Property Awarness Mission Intellectual Property office, India, held on 9 April, 2022
(16) One day National Conference on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020, Organised by NEP Task Force of Bir Lachit Borphukan College & Sibsagar Commerce College, Sivasagar, Assam, Sponsored by National Conference Organizing Committee, on 24 September, 2022
(17) 1st International Conference on Advances in Science. Organized by Gargaon College Science Forum & IQAC,Gargaon College in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST , ON 5TH & 6TH May, 2023