03772 296164
Department of Zoology
Programmes Offered
Notice Board
Notable Alumni
Higher Studies
Contact Us
Syllabus/ Q-Papers
Former Faculty Members
ICT Class Report
MoU & Collaborations
Foreign Collaborations
IKS (Indian Knowledge System)
Green Initiatives

Profile of Zoology Department

About the Department


The Department of Zoology was established in the year 1973 with non-major B.Sc. course. In the year 1983, the department introduced the B. Sc. course with Major and since then it has become a leading Department for undergraduate studies in the field of Animal Sciences. The department has a strength of 4 experienced faculty members with Ph.D. The accomplished faculties of this Department nurture the young students so that they are able to enhance their skills, and empower them to shape out a niche for themselves in a highly competitive world. The training and expertise of the Department's Faculty in specialised fields like Cell Biology, Entomology, Fish Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology, Immunology, Animal Behaviour, Endocrinology, Chronobiology etc. greatly helps in laying the foundation for the academic and professional development of students by supplementing curriculum-based studies with hands-on training, workshops, lecture series, faculty exchange programmes, seminars and invited lectures. The holistic development of students is ensured by engaging them in various curricular and extra-curricular activities planned and conducted throughout the year by the Department and College offers the students a chance for self-expression and self-assertion and helps to develop their social skills. The students are responsible for planning and execution of the activities of the society and this inculcates in them a sense of responsibility and brings to the fore their distinctive leadership qualities. The Department aims to train students not only for achieving excellence in their chosen field of study, but also enables them to become individuals who will be leaders in solving the various scientific and societal challenges faced by the world. The Department of Zoology publishes a Wall Magazine named "ZOOPHORIA" annually wherein the students of the Department express their literary creativity through poems, short stories, prose etc.  The Department of Zoology launched its first printed magazine “Querencia” in 2023.

Student intake capacity 80
Current Student -Teacher Ratio 28:1


Best Practices of the Department


Best Practice I: Create awareness among students for conservation of biodiversity resources of Gargaon College campus and neighbouring area.

Best Practice II: Develop interest about faunal diversity available in and off College campus.

Best Practice III: Develop research skills among students through project works related to animal sciences like biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, animal physiology, animal ecology, animal behaviour, entomology, developmental biology, biotechnology, ethnobiology and ethnopharmacology, bioremediation, fish and fisheries, microbial products, sericulture, toxicology, preparation of microbial consortia etc.

Best Practice IV: Workshop & hands-on training on entrepreneurial activities is regularly organized for skill development and employment generation and talks on the Indian knowledge system is organized for wellbeing of the student fraternity.


Mission and Vision of the Department

     Mission of the Department

  • To provide quality education and in-depth knowledge in the field of biological sciences especially animal sciences.
  • To develop research skills and scientific advancement.
  • To create awareness regarding nature and biodiversity and help to solve different problems to establish a sound and peaceful environment and life for community and society.
  • To provide quality education offering skill-based programs and motivate the students for self-employment.
  • To enhance academic standards and the quality of the higher education system of our country.
  • The holistic development of the students and make them able to contribute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic epoch.


Vision of the Department 

Our objective is to promote education and reserach that encourages both intelectual and social change and equipping students to emerge as citizen leaders who believe in public service and care for society and nature

To be a leading centre of excellence in zoological education, research, conservation and fostering a deep understanding of animal life and contributing to the sustainable management of biodiversity.


Future Plan of the Department

  • To collaborate with various national/International organizations for research collaboration.

  • The Department plans to inculcate entrepreneurial abilities among the students by joining hands with local entrepreneurs through MoUs (Poultry farming, Fisheries)

  • Setting up an animal house, Fish Museum, Preparation of Checklist of Fauna of Sivasagar District as a part of Biodiversity study.
  • To organize lectures on various subjects / topics for the benefits of the students.
  • Other Certificate courses will be organized on different aspects of environments and applied Zoology.
  • Upgradation and Modernization of Laboratories.
  • To organize National Seminar/Conferences/Workshop


Department Library

The Departmental Library of Zoology maintains a rich collection of books, which include textbooks and reference books of more than 510 nos. An issue register is maintained for issuance of books to the teachers and students which is reviewed before the end of each academic session. In addition to the regular classes, seminars are arranged every year among the Zoology Major students. Moreover, educational excursions are arranged every year based on the demand of the curriculum.

  • Total number of Text Book: 350 (Cell Biology, Embryology, Entomology, Invertebrates Zoology, Vertebrate Zoology, Ecology, Physiology, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Microbiology, Evolution, Practical Zoology, Biostatistics, Dictionary, Information Technology, Fish and Fishery, Taxonomy etc.)
  • Total number of Journals: 10
  • Any other: 150 Other subject related books




Associate Professor
Vice Principal, M.Sc., Ph.D.
More Detail


Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed. Ph.D
More Detail


Assistant Professor
M Sc., Ph.D.
More Detail


Assistant Professor
M. Sc., Ph. D
More Detail

Programmes Offered of Zoology Department
Sl. No. Programmes Offered
1 Bachelor of Science (CBCS)
2 Four Year Undergraduate Programme(FYUGP)


Notice Board of Zoology Department

Achievements of Zoology Department

Activities of Zoology Department

Notable Alumni of Zoology Department

Placement of Zoology Department


Placement Record of the Department Download

Higher Studies of Zoology Department
Higher Studies Record of the Department Download

Contact Us of Zoology Department
Name of the Faculty Email id
Dr. Rina Handique
Dr. Pimily Langthasa
Dr. Rashmi Dutta
Dr. Anurag Protim Das

Publications of Zoology Department
Qurencia Edition 1 Download
Qurencia Edition 2 (Handwritten Magazine) Download

Syllabus/ Q-Papers of Zoology Department

Former Faculty Members of Zoology Department
Former Faculty Members of the Department of Zoology Download

News of Zoology Department

ICT Class Report of Zoology Department


2019-20 Download
2020-21 Download
2021-22 Download
2022-23 Download
2023-24 Download

Feedback of Zoology Department

Newsletter of Zoology Department

MoU & Collaborations of Zoology Department

A memorandum of understanding for academic cooperation between Department of Zoology, Gargaon College, Simaluguri and Departmet of Zoology, Sibsagar College, Joysagar (Autonomous) on the 11th October, 2023. The objective is to facilitate collaboration between the two institutions, provide opportunity for students and faculty in areas of learning and research and to promote knowledge on the basis of mutual benefit, good initiatives, and frequent interactions.

MoU and Collaborations of Zoology Department Click here for the Report

Foreign Collaborations of Zoology Department

IKS (Indian Knowledge System) of Zoology Department
INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM  Click here for the Report

Green Initiatives of Zoology Department
Plantation Drive, 2023 Click here for the Report
Installation of Bird Nest on the Occasion of World Sparrow Day, 2024 Click here for the Report