03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.Sc. Ph.D.

Post Type



Dr. Plaban Jyoti Sarma


M.Sc. Ph.D.


Inorganic Chemistry

Area Of Interest

Quantum Catalysis Quantum chemical calculations for CO2 reduction, CO oxidation, methane activation, oxidation of NOx etc. Computational Chemistry DFT calculations for global optimization of metal and metal oxide clusters. study on the Quantum size effect on the catalytic behavior of clusters Environmental Chemistry VOCs, CFCs etc.


Recent Publications: Dikshita Dowerah, Mallikarjunachari VN Uppuladinne, Subrata Paul, Dharitri Das, Nand K Gour, Nishant Biswakarma, Plaban J Sarma, Uddhavesh B Sonavane, Rajendra R Joshi, Suvendra K Ray, Ramesh Ch Deka, A Study Modeling Bridged Nucleic Acid-Based ASOs and Their Impact on the Structure and Stability of ASO/RNA Duplexes, Langmuir, Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2024. Nishant Biswakarma, Plaban Jyoti Sarma, Shilpa Neog, Priyanka Dutta, Dikshita Dowerah, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Nand Kishor Gour, Ramesh Chandra Deka, Termolecular Eley–Rideal pathway for catalytic oxidation of nitric oxide on [Pt2]0,± dimers using O2, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 124(10), p.e27390., 2024. Sarma, Plaban J; Neog, Shilpa; Biswakarma, Nishant; Dowerah, Dikshita; Dutta, Priyanka; Das, Tushmita; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Ch;  Tuning the Reaction Mechanism toward Selective Hydrogenation of CO2 to Formic Acid on a Sn10O20 Cluster, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2023, 62, 51, 21967–21976.  Neog, Shilpa; Dowerah, Dikshita; Biswakarma, Nishant; Dutta, Priyanka; Churi, Partha Pratim; Sarma, Plaban Jyoti; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Chandra; Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics for the Selective Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid and Methanol over the [Cu2] 0,±1 Dimer, J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127, 41, 8508–8529, Dowerah, Dikshita; VN Uppuladinne, Mallikarjunachari; Sarma, Plaban J; Biswakarma, Nishant; Sonavane, Uddhavesh B; Joshi, Rajendra R; Ray, Suvendra K; Namsa, Nima D; Deka, Ramesh Ch; Design of LNA analogues using a combined density functional theory and molecular dynamics approach for RNA therapeutics, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 25, 22382–22405, Biswakarma, Nishant; Dowerah, Dikshita; Baruah, Satyajit Dey; Sarma, Plaban Jyoti; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Chandra; Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 on pure and doped AunPt3-n (n= 0–3) clusters: A DFT perspective Molecular Catalysis, 2021, 515, 111910, Das, Rituraj; Talukdar, Dhrubajyoti; Sarma, Plaban J; Kuilya, Hemrupa; Thakuria, Ranjit; Choudhury, Diganta; Mahanta, Sanjeev P; Colorimetric detection of fluoride ions in aqueous medium using thiourea derivatives: a transition metal ion assisted approach, Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 15287-15295,

Book Chapters

Mechanistic Details of Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO 2 to Useful Chemicals Using SnO 2 Clusters, Ramesh Ch Deka, Plaban J Sarma, Ajanta Deka, Nishant Biswakarma, Dikshita Dowerah, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Heterogeneous Nanocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Sustainability Theoretical study for the activation of C-H bond of methane on Group 10 TMs doped (SnO2)2 cluster, Plaban J Sarma, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Dikshita Dowerah, Nishant Biswakarma, Ramesh Ch. Deka, Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Research, Akinik Publications. Global Minimum Structures of (MnO) n clusters, n= 1-10 at DFT energy landscape, Plaban J Sarma, Dikshita Dowerah, Nishant Biswakarma, Ramesh Ch Deka, Air and Water Quality Assessment, Contamination and our Surroundings: Specific Analysis and Applications, Walnut publications


Presented Poster at International Conference on “Emerging trends in Nanomaterials, Science and technology”, NIT Nagaland, 2017 Presented poster at 20th CRSI national symposium in Chemistry, 2nd-5th Feb, 2017. Presented Oral in the International Conference on Frontres at the Chemistry- Allied Science Interface, 22-23 July, 2017, Jaipur Rajasthan, Organized by Centre of Advance Study Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. International conference on the Organix-2018 Organized by Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University Tezpur Unversity P December 2019. Regional seminar on Sciecne for sustainable development Organized by Department of Chemistry, B. Borooah College, Guwahati, Assam Borooah College P January, 2019 International Conference on Advances in Science Gargaon College Science Forum Gargaon College, State bank of India P 5th May to 7th May, 2023 International Workshop on Carrier Planning: Exploring the recent trends in the Ocen of Science Gargaon College Gargaon College A 22nd June, 2023 Participated in 100th Indian Science congress held at Calcutta University, from 3rd to 7th January, 2013, One-day seminar on Walk in talk with chemistry, organised by the Department of Chemistry, Gargaon College, on 26th May, 2024. (Programme Cooordinator)


Participated in the workshop on computational chemistry held at Tezpur University on 28th February 2013. Participated in the workshop on spectroscopic tools and their applications held in dept. of Chemical sciences, Tezpur University on 6th April, 2013. Participated in the Science Academics lecture workshop on ‘Modern Trends In Chemistry’ applications held in dept. of Chemical sciences, Tezpur University from 20th -22nd November, 2013. Participated in the Science Academics lecture workshop on ‘Emerging trends in Chemical Sciences’ Tezpur University from 11th -13th November 2016.

Short Term Course Attended

One Week Faculty Development Program on “Scientific Language” Department of Mathematics, School of Basic Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University Kaziranga University 26th April – 2nd May, 2023 One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology” Department of IQAC, Gargaon College in collaboration with Department of Economics, Mahapurasha Srimanta Sankardeva Viswavidyalaya Gargaon College 25th June – 29th June, 2023

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