03772 296164

Faculty Details



Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Post Type



Dr. Pobon Kr Gogoi


M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.


Indian Govt. & Politics, Rural development, Public Adminis

Area Of Interest

Study and research in contemporary issues of NE India.


1 Youth Unrest Unlocking through Democratic Socialisation in North East India Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, vol. 10, Issue 37, January to March, 2020 ISSN: 2229-3620 Peer Reviewed/UGC Care List/Scopus,etc, Sanchar: Educational and Research Foundation, UP. Lucknow 2 The political dimension of Social Welfare Schemes of Assam: An analysis Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) September 2023, Volume 10, Issue 9 ISSN: 2349-5162 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal Ahmedabad: JETIR 3 Nagas: More Autonomy And Less Than Independence Journal of Namibian Studies, 33 S3 (2023): 4334-4339 ISSN: 2197-5523 (online) Scopus Otjivanda Presse.Essen 4 Ethnic Clashes in Manipur: Conflict against Subaltern Subjugation Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature [Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2023] Page 39 ISSN: 2581-6675 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal PIJSSL 5 A Case Study of The Threat to Human Security Posed by The Assam Movment Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior, Vol 14, No. 2 (2023) ISSN: 2037-4445 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal Soresina CR: E. Brocca L. Caffo 6 Women empowerment through PRIs: Liberation from poverty and suppression Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol.: 44, No. 3 (2023) ISSN : 1001-4055 Scopus Tuijin Jishu 7 Left Political Parties of Assam: Challenges and Prospects International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research E ISSN: 2582-2160 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal IJFMR 8 Reservation Politics in India: An Analysis of the Indian Reservation System Quest Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 11, Issue-10, PP- 74-78 (2023) ISSN: 2321-9467 (Online) Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, Quest Journal Inc. 9 Prospects of Regional Political Parties of Assam in upcomign election, Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics, Vol.: XXVII, No:8, 2023 ISSN : 0975-802X UGC CARE, Dept. of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University. 10 New Trends of Feminist Movement in 21st Century History Research Journal Volume: 29, Issue: 06, No.7, November-December : 2023 ISSN : 0976-5425 (P) UGC CARE, Marathwada Itihas Parishad 11 Exploring the Potentialities of Welfare Schemes for political mileage and socio-economic impact: A hypothetical ananlysis with special reference to Assam "Indian Journal of Psychology Book No.11 2023 ISSN: 0019-5553" ISSN: 0019-5553 UGC CARE 1 Yes Indian Journal of Psychology 12 Unveiling the Dark Truth: Human Trafficking in India And the Battle for Humanity Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika, ?????? ?????? ??? ?????, ????. 42, ??? 2(V), ?????-??????: 2023 ISSN: 0970-7603 UGC CARE, Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan, Saraswatikunj, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. 13 Potential Determinants of voting Behaviour of the electors of Assam World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2213–2219 E-ISSN: 2581-9615 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal,  CODEN(USA): WJARAI  14 Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Women Self Help Groups among Tea Tribes: A Case Study of Sivasagar District of Assam PANCHAJANYA (A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Biannual Research Journal) Vol. XIV, December, 2023 ISSN: 2230-911X Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, Sivasagar Zonal Committee ACTA 15 Sustainable Development Goals: Realisation in Rural Assam International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Vol. 13, Issue 1 2024 ISSN: 2319-7064 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, IJAR 16 A Review of the Protection of Women's Rights: An Indian Perspective International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) E-ISSN : 2582-6220 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, IJRSS 17 Role of Cottage Industries in Rural Livelihoods International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) ISSN: 2320-5407 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, IJAR 18 Boosting People’s Participation through “Amar Gaon Amar Achani” (‘Our Village, Our Scheme’) for Rural Development: An analysis JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory, Vol. XVII, Issue VI, June, 2024 ISSN:0731-6755 Peer Rivewed Referred Journal, JAC 19 Politics of Bihu: Interface between culture and politics Anandam ABILAC, Vol. XIII ISSN: 2394-9023 UGC - CARE LIST-I: 26 ISSN: 2394-9023 UGC CARE, Anandam ABILAC

Book Chapters

Research Publications (book) Research publication chapters in books, other than referred journal articles Sl. No Title with page nos. Type of Book & Authorship Publisher & ISSN/ISBN No. Whether peer reviewed No. of Co-authors Whether you are the main author 1 The Gandhian Model of Rural Development: A study Mahatma Gandhi: The Architect of India GSC, Gargaon College ISBN: 978-81-922338-2-6 Yes 1 Yes 2 Village level cottage industry: The dormant power of rural development Small Scale Industries in Assam GSC, Gargaon College ISBN: 978-81-922338-1-9 Yes 1 Yes 3 Obstacle of rural development: An analysis Rural Development: Issues and Strategies in India with special reference to North east Moridhal College, ISBN: 978-81-923294-0-6 Yes 1 Yes 4 Democratic Decentralisation and 73rd Amendment of the constitution; A Gandhian Perspective Gandhi and His Philosophy GSC, Moridhal College ISBN: 978-81-923294-1-3 Yes 1 Yes 5 Socio-economic conditions of Tea Garden Labourers of Assam: An analysis Tea Makers of North East India South Eastern Book Agency: ISBN: 978-93-89262-14-8 Yes 1 Yes 6 Dharma, Adhyamikota aru yuba Samaj: ek Nirmoh Bislekhon Purbaranga Gargaon College: ISBN:978-81-954-347-8-7 Yes 1 Yes 7 Revisiting the Student Movement in New Millennium: An analysis of Assam Recent Concerns in Humanities and Social Sciences Sunbeam, Bir Raghab Moran Govt. model College ISBN: 978-93-5891-717-8 Yes 1 Yes 8 Domestic Violence: A Curse to humanity Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Approach- The Collective Vaagdevi Publishers, New Delhi ISBN: 978-81-966358-4-8 Yes 1 Yes 9 Axomor Kriya Jagatoloi Gargaon or Abodan Che-Hung Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College ISBN: 978-81-922338-9-5 Yes 1 Yes

Book Edited

1 Comparative Politics pp. 11-185(Text book) Author 978-93-82746-05-8 4 2nd 2. Mahatma Gandhi: The Architect of India pp.1-330 Editor 978-81-922338-2-6 2 1st 3. Understanding Political Theory (Text Book) Author 978-93-91447-79-3 3 2nd

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