Presented Paper
1. "Prospective role of Gandhian philosophy as a pathfinder in political integration in North East India”, on 7th and 8th January, 2011 at Gargaon College Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
2. “Religious Beliefs and practices on the Tea Tribes of Assam-A glimpse” on 3rd and 4th March, 2011 at Dikhowmukh College, Sivasagar,Assam.
3. “Sacrifice of women in spreading Buddism: a glimpse” on 31st July, 2011 at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
4. “The role of Street Vendor in Urban Society-A study in Sivasagar Town of Assam” on 23rd and 24th September, 2011 at Sonari College, Sivasagar, Assam.
5.“Problem and Prospect of Information communication technologies in rural development” on 31st March, 2012 at Gargaon college, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
6.“Oral History of Tea Garden Labourers: A Study on Sivasagar District” on 22nd and 23rd February, 2017, Gauhati University, Assam.
7.“A study on livelihood Improvement of Tea garden labourers of Assam with special reference to Nazira sub-division of Sivasagar district” on 23rd& 24th June, 2017 at Lumding College, Lumding, Assam.
8. “Agro Tourism in Assam: Opportunities and Challenges” on 24th August, 2019, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
9. Participated in the In the International Commerce and Management Conference on “Re-inventing Trade, Commerce and Management in Global Scenario: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Department of Commerce and management, University of Mumbai held on 10th and 11th February, 2013.
10. Paper Presented on “Tea Tourism in Assam: Opportunities and Challenges” at the International Seminar on Business, Marketing, Tourism and Tea Tourism in India held on 20th and 21st February, 2019 at Mariani College, Jorhat, Assam.
11. Participated in International Webinar” Indo-Sri Lanka Relations towards Regional Prosperity in the context of Covid 19: Boon Or Bane” held on 10th July,2020 organized by Department of History, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
Participated in National Seminar:
“Environmental issues in North East India: Past, Present and Challenges ahead” held on 10th&11th May 2008 at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Assam.
“Indigenous Tools and Technology in North East India: Retrospect and Prospect” held on 30th &1st October, 2008, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
“Social Harmony and National Unity” held at Guwahati from 16th March to 21st March, 2009, Organized by NSS Regional Centre, Guwahati, Government of India
“Enhancement of Initiative for Competence Building in College” organized by Drama Society of Gargaon Collge(UGC Scheme) held from 19th to 23rd December,2010.
“Status of women in Higher Educational Institutions: A Comparative Study of Gargaon College & Nazira College, Sivasagar”, held on 5th November,2011 at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar.
“Gandhian Philosophy in the Context of Globalization” organized by Gandhian Studies centre, held on 19th August, 2017 at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Assam.
“National Webinar on “Preparation of E- Resources by Addressing the Local Requirements: A Paradigm Shift” held on 20th July,2020, organized by department of Commerce, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
National Conference & Symposium:
Participated 67th all India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, held on 27th to 29th December, 2014.
Participated in the national symposium (Gyan Sangam) on “Tradition and Socio- cultural Ethos of North East India” held in Gauhati University on 10th and 11th February, 2018.
Paper Presented on “Tea Tourism in Assam: Opportunities and Challenges” at the International Seminar on Business, Marketing, Tourism and Tea Tourism in India held on 20th and 21st February, 20219 at Mariani College, Jorhat, Assam.
Participated in International Webinar” Indo-Sri Lanka Relations towards Regional Prosperity in the context of Covid 19: Boon Or Bane” held on 10th July,2020 organized by Department of History, Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Sivasagar, Assam.
Participated in the international Workshop on “Machine Learning for Data Analysis” is organized by Gargaon college in collaboration with the department of Applied Geology, Dibrugarh University, Assam; IEEE University of Melbourne Student Branch, Melbourne Australia held on 12th July 2021.