I. Scopus Indexed International Publications:
International Journal titled “JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS” ISSN- 2394-5125, VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020, Pp.2737-2747
2. Paper titled “Market Efficiency of Indian Capital Market: An event study around the Announcement of results of Lok Sabha Election 2019" in Scopus Indexed International Journal of Financial Research. ISSN 1923-4031, Vol 12, Issue 1, Pp 60-70
II. UGC Care Internatinal Publications:
3. Paper titled “ A study of perception of Generation Y with special reference to tourism plans to National Parks of North East India”” in the UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “Studies in Indian Places Names(ISSN-2394-3114) in Volume -40-Issue-3-February-2020)(Impact Factor 5.3)
4. Paper titled “Does Dividend Policy, Capital Gearing And Shareholders Earnings Affect
Value Of A Firm?: An analysis with reference to selected companies listed in Sensex”, in UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “THINK INDIA JOURNAL” ISSN:0971-1260 Vol-22-Issue-10-November-2019, Pp.1937-1949 (Impact factor 6.2)
5.Paper titled“Customer Awareness On Cyber Security Issues With Special Reference To Online Shopping: A Study Among Generation Y”. ”, in UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “THINK INDIA JOURNAL” ISSN:0971-1260 , Vol-22-Issue-10-November-2019, Pp.2691-2702(Impact factor 6.2)
6.Paper titled “ How Eco Tourism have been sustaining in North Eastern States of India?” in UGC Care listed Journal “ Rabindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy” bearing ISSN: 0973-0087, Vol XXIII, No. 32, 2022, Pp. 1-5
7. Paper titled “Insuretech- An Insight into the future of Insuretech in India” in theUGC care listed peer reviewed journal The Chartered Accountant Journal, ISSN-0009188X, Vol. 72, No.10, Pg. 97-102
III. Peer Reviewed Journal articles
8. Paper titled “ Market Efficiency of Indian Capital Market: An Analysis of Impact of Union Budget Speech on Stock Market” in Vanijya: Dibrugarh university ReferredJournal of Business Studies. ISSN 0972-6594, Vol.30, 2021-22, Pp. 87-102
IV. Seminar and Conference Proceedings
9. Paper titled “A study on Performance of MIP Mutual Funds: An Analysis with special Reference to the Constituents and Risk Return Relationships” in book titled “ Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management (ISBN-978-81-942853-5-9) published by Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University (NEICMA Conference Proceedings)
10. Paper titled “ Initiatives for start up by Academia in North East- A Case Study Approach”in book named “Entrepreneurial Innovation & Regional Development” ISBN-978-93-5407-439-4, Pp.176-184 (ICSSR Sponsered under Guwahati Commerce College) (International Seminar Proceedings)
11. “Effectiveness of Online Education- An Academician’s Perspective” in book titled “ North East Journal of Multidisciplinary Research” ISSN- 2582-3787, Pp.72-84 (International Webinar Proceedings)