03772 296164

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Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil.


M.A., M.Phil.

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1. eco feminism: A study Indian women's dedication toward the environment published in Research journal of Philosophy and social science, ISSN-0048-7325, vol-40, no. 2014 2. An analytical report on the practice of witch-hunting in Assam, Published in Journal global values, ISSN-0976-9447, vol-4, 2014

Book Chapters

1. "Educational status of scheduled caste women ( A case study based on two S/l villages of SIvasagar district in Assam" published in Women: Issues and challenges, ISBN-978-81-922338-3-3 2. Cultural life of Kanyak Naga tribe of SIvasagar District in Assam published in Craft and culture in North-east India, ISBN- 978-81-922338-71 3.Gargaon Anchalor samajik Poribortan: ek samu Abolukan, published in Che-Hung, ISBN-97881-922338-9-5 4. Outmigration of the Northeast Indian Youth: Astudy, Published in Contemporary research in commerce, management and education ,ISBN-978-81-972336-3-0 5. Eco-feminism, Published in Women's Well-Being inclussive and sustainable growth; ISBN-978-81-945305-1-0 6. Special problem of women in modern society published in Mother earth 7. Gandhiji's Approach for Upliftment of Indian Women Published in Mahatma Gandhi The Architect of India , ISBN- 978-81-922338-2-6

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