1. Agarwalla, S., Rajput, D. and Das, D. 2021. Phytochemistry of Dioscorea alata. In Environment Climate Change and Natural Challenges. Narzary, A. Begum, P. and Bhagawati, C. (Eds.) Gargaon College Publication Cell. pp. 224 – 231. ISBN 978 – 93 – 90919 – 60 – 4.
2. Das, D., Neog, B., Das, A., B,, and Agarwalla, S. 2022. A Review on Lasia spinosa: Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Karyomorphology. In Biodiversity Challenges: A Way Forward Shashikanth S. Majagi (Eds.) Daya Publishing House. pp. 22 – 29. ISBN: 978-93-5461-269-5 (HB).
3. Agarwal, K. and Agarwalla, S. 2023. Ecohydrology: A Review In Open Science: A compilation of Science Articles Phukon, K, Phukon, M. and Buragohain, B. (Eds.) Gargaon College Science Forum Vol. II: pp. 125 – 131 ISBN: 978-81-954347-3-2.
4. Agarwalla, S. 2023. Women and Health: A brief review on the disorders related to Menstruation In Women’s Well-Being Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Begum, P., Langthasa, P. and Dutta, B. (Eds.) Gargaon College Publication Cell, Gargaon College, Vol. I: pp. 96 -1 00, ISBN: 978-81-945305-1-0.
5. Langthasa, P., Begum, P., Agarwalla, S. and Dutta, R. 2023. Groundwater Contamination of Arsenic and its Toxicity. In Annual Bioscience Communication Majumdar, H. C. (Eds.) Biological Spectrum of North-East India. EBH Publishers, Vol.: 3, pp. 244-252 ISBN: 978-93-92038-07-5.
6. Agarwalla, S. and Agarwal, K. 2024. Hydroponics: A New Approach. In Recent Trends in Biological Sciences Sramah, R., Deb, P. and Basumatary, S. (Eds.) Research and Innovative Cell ABA Degree College, Vol. I pp. 219-227, ISBN: 978-93-90706-39-6.
7. Agarwalla, S., Begum, P. and Langthasa, P. 2024. Prodrug-based Nanoparticle Therapeutics: Challenges and Future Prospects. Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing Gupta, R., Bora, S. N., Kumar, S. and Prabhu, R. (Eds.) In IIP Series, Selfypage Developers ,Vol. 3 (Book 3,), pp. 182-190 ISBN: 978-93-6252-833-9.