03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.Com, Ph.D.

Post Type



Dr. Nazreen Parveen Ali


M.Com, Ph.D.


Accounting and Finance

Area Of Interest

Accounting, Finance and Economics


I. Scopus Indexed International Publications: 1. Paper titled“WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT-A CASE STUDY APPROACH WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO NRL”. ”, in Scopus indexed International Journal titled “JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS” ISSN- 2394-5125, VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020, Pp.2737-2747 2. Paper titled “Market Efficiency of Indian Capital Market: An event study around the Announcement of results of Lok Sabha Election 2019" in Scopus Indexed International Journal of Financial Research. ISSN 1923-4031, Vol 12, Issue 1, Pp 60-70 II. UGC Care Internatinal Publications: 3. Paper titled “ A study of perception of Generation Y with special reference to tourism plans to National Parks of North East India”” in the UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “Studies in Indian Places Names(ISSN-2394-3114) in Volume -40-Issue-3-February-2020)(Impact Factor 5.3) 4. Paper titled “Does Dividend Policy, Capital Gearing And Shareholders Earnings Affect Value Of A Firm?: An analysis with reference to selected companies listed in Sensex”, in UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “THINK INDIA JOURNAL” ISSN:0971-1260 Vol-22-Issue-10-November-2019, Pp.1937-1949 (Impact factor 6.2) 5.Paper titled“Customer Awareness On Cyber Security Issues With Special Reference To Online Shopping: A Study Among Generation Y”. ”, in UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal titled “THINK INDIA JOURNAL” ISSN:0971-1260 , Vol-22-Issue-10-November-2019, Pp.2691-2702(Impact factor 6.2) 6.Paper titled “ How Eco Tourism have been sustaining in North Eastern States of India?” in UGC Care listed Journal “ Rabindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy” bearing ISSN: 0973-0087, Vol XXIII, No. 32, 2022, Pp. 1-5 7. Paper titled “Insuretech- An Insight into the future of Insuretech in India” in theUGC care listed peer reviewed journal The Chartered Accountant Journal, ISSN-0009188X, Vol. 72, No.10, Pg. 97-102 III. Peer Reviewed Journal articles 8. Paper titled “ Market Efficiency of Indian Capital Market: An Analysis of Impact of Union Budget Speech on Stock Market” in Vanijya: Dibrugarh university ReferredJournal of Business Studies. ISSN 0972-6594, Vol.30, 2021-22, Pp. 87-102 IV. Seminar and Conference Proceedings 9. Paper titled “A study on Performance of MIP Mutual Funds: An Analysis with special Reference to the Constituents and Risk Return Relationships” in book titled “ Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management (ISBN-978-81-942853-5-9) published by Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University (NEICMA Conference Proceedings) 10. Paper titled “ Initiatives for start up by Academia in North East- A Case Study Approach”in book named “Entrepreneurial Innovation & Regional Development” ISBN-978-93-5407-439-4, Pp.176-184 (ICSSR Sponsered under Guwahati Commerce College) (International Seminar Proceedings) 11. “Effectiveness of Online Education- An Academician’s Perspective” in book titled “ North East Journal of Multidisciplinary Research” ISSN- 2582-3787, Pp.72-84 (International Webinar Proceedings)

Book Chapters

1. Paper titled “ Sources of Funding Higher Education in India” book titled “Higher Education in the 21st Century: Envisioning the Future” ISBN: 978-93-93092-23-6, Pp. 20-26 2. Paper titled “ The Pros and Challenges of Islamic Ethical Principles in Entrepreneurial Activities in the Modern era with special reference to Trade and Commerce” in book titled “Entrepreneurship in the new Era” published by Empyreal Publishing House(International), ISBN: 978-81-946375-8-5, Pp.90-96 3. Paper titled “ Factors affecting participation of Youth in Community Development Activities” in book titled “Exona- A multilingual compilation of Research Articles(Commerce and Humanities), ISBN No.978-93-91953-45-4, Pp.84-99 4. Published a chapter titled “Festive Mood of Stock Market Returns: A study on the impact of Indian Festivals on the Movement of the Indian Stock Market” in book titled “ Research in Multidisciplinary Approach” under Vaagdevi Publications, Hyderabad, ISBN 978-81-966358-4-8 , Pg no.139-154. 5. Published a chapter titled “ Role of Women Towards preserving ethnicity of a state- A case study of selected SHGs in Assam” in the book titled Contemporary Reserach in Commerce, Management and Education under Balaji Publications, Meerut, ISBN 978-81-972336-3-0, Pg no.13-28.

Book Edited

1. Published a edited book volume on Dimensions of Recent Trends in Research: A Multidisciplinary Approach under Vaagdevi Publications, Hyderabad. ISBN 978-81-972526-1-7


1. Presented a Paper titled “Festive mood of Stock Market Returns” in the 3 rd National Conference of North East India Commerce and Management Association organised by the Department of Commerce, JB College, Jorhat (5 th & 6 th October 2018) 2. Presented a Paper titled “ Use of E-Journals by Academicians and Researchers of DibrugarhUniversity: An Empirical Survey with Special reference to School of Commerce and Management Sciences” in “National Seminar on Digital Initiatives for Quality Enhancement of Higher Educational Institutions” organised by Dibru College in association with NAAC( 30 th and 31 st January 2019) 3. Paper titled “ The Pros and Challenges of Islamic Ethical Principles in Conducting Trade and Commerce in Modern Society” in “National Seminar on Understanding Ethics from Indian Perspective” organised by the Department of Philosophy, Dibrugarh University in collaboration with ICPR (22 nd February, 2019) 4. Paper titled “Impact of Training on Employee Productivity: A Study of Private Banks in Dibrugarh Town” in National Seminar on “cognizance of Human Resource Development for Commercial Viability” organised by GS Lohia Girls College in association with National Chamber of Commerce, DibrugarhUniversitry and Tinsukia Branch of EIRC(ICAI) (1 st & 2 nd June 2019) 5. Paper titled “ Is tax Cut an appropriate measure for Revival of a Slowdown Economy” in the Symposium on Online Marketing and Direct Tax” under the theme “Personal taxation and Revival of Indian economy” held at Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.(27-28 February, 2020) 6. Presented a research paper titled "Insuretech: An Insight into future of Insuretech in India' in a A Two Days International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Sidvi Foundation on 12th and 1th August 2023. 7.Preseanted a research paper titled "Risk and Return Analysis of crypto currency in International Conference onManaging Sustainable Growth and development organised by ICFAI, Tripura and Kettering University, USA on 5th and 6th October 2023. 8. Presented a paper titled "Analysing the key factors influencing the success of Fintech Start Ups in India in a DST sponsered National Seminar on “Big Canvas for Innovation and Entrepreneurship” The Brushstrokes of Growth and Transformation organised by Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya on 9th and 10th February 2024. 9. Presented a paper titled "Role of Higher Education in Promoting Entrepreneurship in India- A Study" in an ICSSR sponsered National Seminar on NEP 2020- A Pardigm Shift in Indian Education System by Dikhowmukh College Sivasagar on 24th August 2024. 10. Presented a paper titled "The Future of Borrowing: A critical review of progress and prospects of Lendtechs in Indian in International Seminar onViksit Bharat @2047 organised by Gologhat Commerce College on 6th and 7th september 2024.


1. One Week National level Workshop on “ Research Methodology with special reference to Agricultural and Rural Marketing and Use of SPSS” under UGC SAP(DRS-1) held at Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University( 11 th -17 th March 2019)

Orientation Course

1. Four Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Colleges/Universities/ Institutes of Higher Education organised by Ramanujan College under Univerity of Delhi under Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teacher and Training, UGC from 22nd Nov to 21st Dec 2023. 2. Two Day Induction Training Program organised by the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Assam on 25th and 26th July, 2024

Short Term Course Attended

1. One Week Short Term Course on “ Linear Algebra and its Applications in Engineering Sciences(2019)” organised by the Department of Engineering Mathematics, DUIET, under Technical education and Quality Improvement Programme held at Dibrugarh University (12 th -16 th august. 2019) 2. One Week Online National Level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) organized by Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University, Assam held from June 1-6 , 2020. 3. One Week FDP on Research Methodology organised by Gargaon College and Mahapurush Srimanta Sankardev Viswavidyalaya from 25th to 29th June 2023. 4. One Week FDP on outcome based learning for Effective Teaching and Learning organised by AMET University and Association of Indian Universities from 19th to 27th July 2024. 5. One Week FDP on Enhancing Pedagogy through innovativeInstructional Tools for HEIs organised by Assam Down Town University from 18th to 24th December 2023. 6. NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme orgainsed by University of South Bihar, Gaya from 21st to 1st December 2023. 7. 1-Week Online Workshop on Ethics and Research Paper Writing In Scientific & Humanities Journals organised by Guwahati University, Malviya Mission Teacher Training Programme UGC from 11th to 16th March 2024. 8.One Week FDP on Innovative Approaches of Business Analytics in Management organised by Malla Reddy engineering College for Women from 15th to 20th July, 2024.

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