03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.Sc., PhD

Emp Id emp_id


Dept Id dept_id


Is Hod is_hod


Post Type post_type


Name name

Dr. Bornali Dutta

Qualification qualification

M.Sc., PhD

Specialization specialization

Operation Research, Bio-Statistics& Quantitative Epidemiol

Doj doj


Email Id email_id

Display Status display_status


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Area Of Interest area_of_interest

Bayesian Inference, Mathematical Modeling, Time Series Analysis.

Publications publications

1. Dutta, B. (2017). Internet: Its Effect and Impact among the Undergraduate Students: A Case Study in Two Colleges of Dibrugarh District. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review. 1(35), 140-144. 2. Dutta,  B. & Barman, M.P. (2017). A Study on Awareness of Maternal and Child Health Care Schemes under National Health Mission in Majuli, Assam. International Journal of Current Research Review. 9(16), 1-5. 3. Dutta, B. & Barman, M.P. (2017). An Assessment of Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Care Schemes under NRHM: A Case Study in Majuli, Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 7(6), 26-32. 4. Dutta, B. (2017). Factors Affecting the Utilization of Antenatal Care Services Among the Reproductive Women: A Case Study in Majuli. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review. 1(32), 6-10. Dutta, B. (2018). A study on Prevalence of Smokeless Tobacco in Assam Based on Global Adult Tobacco Survey India2009-10 Data. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 6(1) 5. Dutta, B., Barman, M. P., & Patowary, A. N. (2020). Application of Arima model for forecasting road accident deaths in India. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 16(2), 607-615. 6. Dutta, B., Barman, M. P., & Patowary, A. N.(2021).Forecasting of Number of Road Accidents in India Using Box-Jenkins Time Series Model. Assam Statistical Review,33(1),57-69. 7. Dutta, B., Barman, M. P., & Patowary, A. N. (2022). Exponential Smoothing State Space Innovation Model for Forecasting Road Accident Deaths in India. Thailand Statistician, 20(1), 26-35.

Book Chapters book_chapters

1. Dutta, B. (2017). Big Data Analysis: A Challengeable Task’’, Digital India- A road ahead. Empyreal Publishing House. 978-81-930928-0-4. 2. Dutta, B. (2018). Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankardevar Adarsha Aaru Yuvaprajanmar Karaniya.  Yuvaprajanma aaru Srimanta Sankardeva. 978-93-5291-387-9. 3. Dutta, B. (2019).  Application of Box-Jenkins Methodology for Modeling and Forecasting Discrete Data. Advances in Applied Statistics. New Delhi Publisher, 978-93-88879-28-6, pp. 109-119. 4. Dutta, B., Barman, M. P., & Patowary, A. N. (2020). Univariate Time Series Model under Bayesian Approach: A Review. Demystifying Research in Mathematical Sciences.Register, DU;978-81-929186-9-3;pp.87-100. 5. Dutta, B. (2020). Wheat Production in India: Statistical Model for Forecasting. Demystifying Research in Applied Sciences. Register, DU; 978-81-929186-8-6; pp.24-35 . 6. Dutta, B. (2023). Fertility Behavior of Tea Garden Women of Sivasagar District: A Cross-Sectional Study.Women’s Well-Being: Inclusive and Sustainable Growth.Women Cell, GCTU, 978-81-945305-1-0; pp. 166-174. 7. Bora, D., Barman, M.P. & Dutta, B. (2024). Application of Fuzzy Inference System in Mortality Studies: A Review. Applications of Fuzzy Theory in Applied Sciences and Computer Applications. Nova Science Publishers. 979-8-89113-666-3. 8. Dutta, B. (2024). Bayesian Time Series Modeling for Forecasting Road Accident Data. Recent Research in Science, Engineering & Technology volume-II. Chyern Publication. 978-81-981009-9-3. 9. Dutta, B. (2024). An Assessment of Dietary Patterns of Adults in Assam: A Cross-Sectional Study. Comprehensive Studies of Business & Finance Management volume-II. Chyern Publication. 978-81-981009-3-1.

Book Edited book_edited

Gogoi, R., and Dutta, B. (2022). Exploring Conventions of Statistical Discourse. Mittal Publications, 978-93-90692-62-0, Vol-1.

Conference conference

1. Presented a research paper entitled- A comparative study on ARIMA and ETS Model based on Rice Production Data in India at the Internal Conference on Application of SPSS and Statistical Data Analysis organized by Eudoxia Research Center, Guwahati, Assam from 29-30th April 2020. 2. Presented a research paper entitled- ARIMA Model in Bayesian Approach: A Statistical Investigation based on Road Accident Data in India at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Applied Sciences organized by the Department of Mathematics, DU from 28-30 June 2020. 3. Presented research paper entitled- A Comparative Study on SARIMA and ETS Model Based on Road Accident Data in India at the International Conference on -Recent Trends in Theoretical and Applied Statistics organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University from 18-20 September 2020. 4. Presented research paper entitled- A Comparative Study on Univariate Time Series Model under Bayesian and Frequentist Approach: A Statistical Investigation based on Road Accident Data in India at the National Conference on Advanced Statistics and Applied Sciences organized by the Department of Statistics, Ramanujan College from 30th—31st March 2022. 5. Presented research paper entitled - A Comparative Study on SARIMA Model and Dynamic Harmonic Regression Model under Bayesian Approach: A Statistical Investigation using Discrete Data at the international conference Recent Trends in Science and Technology organized by Willingdon College, Sangli, Maharastra, 29th June 2022. 6.

Workshop workshop

1. Participated in a Workshop on Research and Methodology 2020 organized by Eudoxia Research Centre from 5th -11th April, 2020. 2. Participated in a Two Day Workshop on Online Basic Training on Use of ICT in Teaching organized by Teaching Learning Center, Tezpur University from 20 & to 23 April, 2020. 3. Participated in a One Week Online Workshop on Statistical Inference organized by the Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University from 24-28 August 2020. 4. Participated in a Online Workshop on Use of ICT Tools for Effective Teaching organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University from 3-7 May, 2021. 5. Participated in a week-long online International Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights for the Promotion and Protection of Innovations organized by IQAC, Gargaon College. 6. Participated in a workshop on Office Automation, E-Learning platforms, Latex & Emerging Technology organized by Darrang College. 7. Participated in a One week online National Workshop on Data Analysis and Modeling using STATA Software organized by CKB Commerce College, Jorhat from 1.11.2023 to 7.11.2023.

Orientation Course orientation_course

Attended a 4-week Induction/Orientation Programme organized by Teaching Learning Canter, Ramanujan College University of Delhi from 10.11.2020 to 9.12.2020.

Refresher Course refresher_course

Attended a Two-Week Refresher Course in STATISTICS on the theme “Paradigms & Principles of Statistics” organized by Teaching Learning Canter, Ramanujan College University of Delhi from 22.06.2021 to 06.07.2021. Attended a Two-Week Interdisciplinary refresher Course on “Research Methodology” organized by Teaching Learning Canter, Ramanujan College University of Delhi from 20.02.2022 to 06.03.2022.

Short Term Course Attended short_term_course_attended

1. Attended Seven Day Faculty Development Programmes in Online Mode for University organized by Dibrugarh University, Assam from 12.05.2020-18.05.2020. 2. Attended One week online faculty development programme on R Programming organized by Department of information technology at Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi from 18.05.2020-23.05.2020. 3. Attended One-week international virtual FDP on Moodle learning Management System organized by Don Bosco College Central Library and IQAC, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh from 15.06.2020-19.06. 2020. 4. Attended Online workshop & national FDP on E-Content learning skill development programme organized by Thiruvalluvar College Papanasam, Tamilnadu from 16.07.2020-22.07.2020. 5. Attended One-week online FDP on Mathematical Modelling & Numerical Techniques, 2020 organized by Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Humanities, Kakatiya Institute of Technology from 27.07.2020-31.07. 2020. 6. Attended One week online international faculty development program on Recent advances in Mathematics & Statistics organized by GITAM, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh from 3.08.2020- 8.08.2020. 7. Attended One week faculty development programme on online Teaching and Assessment Pedagogy organized by Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology from 24.08.2020-29.08.2020. 8. Attended One week faculty development programme on effective online teaching and learning organized by Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology from 14.09.2020-19.09.2020. 9. Attended One week faculty development programme on Advanced Teaching Tools & Methodology for outcome-based education organized by IQAC, Gulzar Group of Institute, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. 10. Attended Five days online faculty development programme on Emerging trends and challenges in higher education and research organized by IQAC, Prince Shri Venkateshwara Arts and Science College from 18.04.2022-22.04.2022. 11. Attended 7-day online faculty development program on “office Automation, E-learning platforms, LaTeX & Emerging Technologies organized by IQAC, Darrang College, Tezpur, Sonitpur from 4.01.2023-10.01. 2023. 12. Attended FDP on Research Methodology organized by IQAC, Gargaon College from 25.06.2023-29.06.2023. 13. Attended One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Python with Data Analytics organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College from 7-13 August 2023. 14. Attended Online One-week Faculty Development Programme on Developing MOOCs organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College from 25th -31st December, 2023.

Google Scholar Link google_scholar_link

Desig Title desig_title

Assistant Professor

" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.