03772 296164

Faculty Details



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M.A., Ph.D.



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Published in UGC Listed Journal: •Pottery in Assam: Historical Analysis, Proceeding of the North East India History Association Vol., pp, 71-75, 2002, 2349-753X •Economics of Cane and Bamboo works in the Rural Areas of Assam, Vol. XXI, Pp. 17-30, 2008, Assam Economic Journal, 0976-7530 •A Study on Making of Pottery in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., IV, PP,22-26, 2014, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Hunanities ( A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2250-1665 •Development of the Handloom Industry in Assam: A Study, 278-287,2014, Proceeding of the North East India History Association, 2349-753X. •Pottery in Assam: A Case Study in the Sivasagar District, Vol., III, PP, 37-39,2015, Journal of Research, Extension and Development (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2319-1899. •Traditional Handicrafts Products in Assam, Vol., III, PP, 15-18, 2015, International Journal for Research and Development( A Peer Reviewed Journal Published Every Two Months), 2321-3434 •Rural Pottery Industry in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 5, PP, 60-63, 2015, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal, 2249-7307. •Rural Handicrafts: A Case Study in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 7, No. 9, PP, 125-132, 2017, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management(A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2249-7307. •A Study on Festivals of Konyak Naga Tribe Living in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., VII, Issue, X, PP, 45-48, 2017, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities( A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2250-1665 Published in Peer-Reviewed Journal: •A Study of the Pottery Industry in Sivasagar District of Assam,Vol., II, PP, 124-135, 2013, A Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies( A Peer-Reviewed International Journal), 2320-0324. •An Economic Analysis of Cane and Bamboo Works in the Urban Areas of Assam, Vol., II, PP, 71-85,2014, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138 •A Comparative Study of Demographic Profile in the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Sivasagar District of Assam,Vol., III, PP, 24-41,2015 , Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal, 2320-0138 •An Appraisal of the Handloom Industry in Assam, Vol., IV, PP, 50-63, 2016, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138 •Marketing of Handicraft Products in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 5, PP, 16-23, 2016, Asian Journal of Research in Marketing (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2277-6621 •An Appraisal of the Handicrafts in North Eastern Region, Vol. V,PP, 47-65, 2017, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138 Published in other Journal: •Socio Economic Status of Bodo Women in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol. 2, Pp 111-114, 2012, Indian Journal of Social Science and Sciences, 2231-2447 •Handicrafts: Through the Ages in Assam, No.3, Pp 270-273, 2012, Panchajanya, 2230-911X •A Study of the Pottery Tradition in Assam, Vol. IV, Pp 347-351, 2013, Panchajanya, 2230-911X •Institutional Network for Development of Handicrafts in Assam, Vol. I, Pp 119-125, 2013, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, 2320-0138 •Pottery in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., V,PP,65-71,2014, Panchajanya, 2320-0138 Research Paper Published in Journal in Assamese: •A History of Modern Industry in Assam, Vol. 41, No.6, Pp 33-35, 55. 2010, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371 •Handicrafts in Assam: Its History and Heritage, Vol. 42, No. 3, Pp 14-19, 2011 , Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371 •Coins in Ahom Period, Vol. 42, No. 8, Pp 38-42, 2011, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371 •Past and Present in the Pottery of Assam, Vol.,44, No.7, PP, 42-45, 2013, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371 •Socio-Economic Status of Scheduled Castes: A Brief Analysis, Vol., 45, No. 5, PP, 51-52,2014, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371 •History of Handicrafts in Assam, Vol., 47, No., 1, PP,69-72, 2016, Payobhara Yojana,(Assamese), 0971-83 •History of Modern Industries in Assam, Vol., XXXV, No., 16, PP, 18-19, 2016, Prantik(Assames), 0917-5932 Research Paper published in Conference Proceedings: •A Study of Cane and Bamboo Works in Sivasagar District of Assam, PP, 112-120, 2008, Proceeding of the a National Level Seminar on Present Status of Handicrafts in the North-Eastern Region, Gargaon College. •Socio-Economic Status of Konyak Nagas in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, PP, 261-268, 2009, International Seminar, The Tai (Paper Collection) •The Kanyak Naga Woman in Assam: Some Aspects of Their Social and Economic Life, PP, 30-35, 2011, International Seminar, The Tai (Paper Collection).

Book Chapters

•A Study of the Cultural Tourism in Assam, PP, 55-65, 2012, Crafts and Culture in North-East India (Ed.), 978-81-922338-7-1. •Gandhi and Freedom Struggle: An Overview, PP, 35-53,2012, Mahatma Gandhi: The Architect of India (Ed.), 978-81-922338-2-6. •A Study of the Handicrafts in Assam, PP, 113-121,2012, Small-Scale Industries in Assam (Ed.), 978-81-922338-1-9. •Handicrafts in Assam: Past and Present (Assamese), PP,98-113,2015, Asomor Prekshapatat Pahar –Bhoiyamor Sambandha(Ed.), 978-81-929944-0-6 •Introduction(Che-Hung: Assamese ), pp, 1-22, 2017, Che-Hund(Ed.), 978-81-922338-9-5 •Economic Development: A Case Study in Sivasagar District, pp, 16-28, 2018, Sivasagar : A Glimpse(Ed.), 978-93-87494-05-3

Book Edited

Book Published •Handicrafts in Assam, PP, 281,2010, Kalpaz Publications, Delhi, 978-81-7835-819-2 •Pottery Industry in Assam, PP, 104,2012, UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, 978-81-922338-6-4 •Rural Economy in India (Texbook for TDC), PP, 149,2012, Bidyabhavan, Jorhat, 978-93-81784-30-3 •Demographic Pattern of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Sivasagar District of Assam, PP,154,2015, UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, 978-81-922338-8-8 •Tribes, Castes and Development ,PP, 131, 2018, Millal Publications, New Delhi, 81-8324-905-1


Participation in Conference/Seminar/ Workshop etc.: •Information Technology and Internet Infrastructure, 14th October, 1999, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC •Agricultural Transition in the Hill Areas of North Eastern Region, 7th & 8th September, 2001, North Eastern Economic Association, Shillong College. •Rural Indebtness in North-East India, 24th & 25th September, 2003, Dept. of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Sponsored by NEC, NABARD & NEDFi.. •Higher Education: Its Challenges & Prospects in the 21st Century, 25th & 26th September, 2005, Demow College •Culture of Assam: As a Favourite Tourist Attraction, 15th to 17th February, 2010, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC •14th Annual Conference of North Eastern Economic Association and Pre-Conference workshop for Young Researchers, 13th to 15th December, 2012, Sibsagar College. •14th Annual Conference of North Eastern Economic Association and Pre-Conference workshop for Young Researchers, 15th to 17th December, 2016, Dept. of Economics, Gauhati University, Guwahati. •Ban Ok Pup Lik Mioung Tai 35th Biennial Conference and Charaideo Festival, 2nd to 4th January, 2017, Charaideo, Sivasagar, Assam. •Gandhian Philosophy in the Context of Globalization, 19-8-2017, Gargaon College Presentation of Papers in Conferences: •Pottery in Assam: A Historical Analysis, North East India History Association, 26-09-2002 to 28-09-2002, Tripura University. •The Role of Cane and Bamboo Resources in the Economic Development of Assam, North Eastern Economic Association, 10th to 11th Februray, 2004, Dibrugarh University. •The Livelihood Pattern of Konyak Nagas Living in Assam, 10th & 11th November, 2011, North Eastern Economic Association, Nagaland University. •The Kanyak Naga Women in Assam: Some Aspects of Their Social and Economic Life, 21st & 22nd January, 2011, CTTNEIS, Dhemaji. •A Study on the Development of Handloom Industry in Assam, North East India History Association, 10-11-2014 to 12-11-2014, Gargaon College, Simaluguri. Presentation of Papers in Seminars: •A Study of Cane and Bamboo Works in Sivasagar District of Assam, 3rd & 4th February, 2006, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC. •Tribal Handicrafts: A Study of the Adis of Arunachal Pradesh, 26th March, 2006, Dept. of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Sponsored by UGC. •Socio-Economic Status of Konyak Nagas in the Sivasagar District of Assam, 25th March, 2008, Dept. of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Sponsored by UGC. •Work Participation of Konyak Naga Women in the Sivasagar District of Assam, 4th March, 2009, Dept. of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Sponsored by UGC. •Socio-Economic Status of Konyak Naga in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, 26th to 28th March, 2009, Purbancha Tai Sahitya Sabha, Dhemaji, Assam. •Cultural Tourism in Assam: It Problem, Prospects and Strategies, 11th & 12th December, 2010, Purbanchal Tai Sahitya Sabha, Namrup College and Sibsagar Girls’ College. •Continuity and Change Amongest the Konyak Nagas in the Sivasagar District of Assam, 12th March, 2010, Dept. of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Sponsored by UGC. •Gandhian Philosophy of Satyagraha & Its Relevance in Present Context of India, 7th & 8th January, 2011, GSC, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC. •A Study of Small Scale Tea Cultivation in the Sivasagar District of Assam, 23rd February, 2012, Dept. of Economics, Dibugarh University, Sponsored by UGC. •Performance Evaluation of MGNREGA in Assam, 31st March, 2012, GSC, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC. •Religionwise Population in Assam: An Analysis, 9th February, 2013, BSC, Gargaon College, Sponsored by UGC. •Festival of Konyak Nagas Living in the Sivasagar District of Assam, 6th and 7th February, 2016, Dept. of Sociology, Moran Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Moranhat, Sponsored by ICSSR. •Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s Basic Education in the Context of Globalization in India, 25th and 26th March, 2017, Gandhian Studies Centre and Women Cell, JHS College, Jhanji, Sponsored by UGC


•Workshop on Research Methodology, 15th Sept., 2012, Organised by Jhanji H.N.S. College.


Minor Research Project: •Cane and Bamboo Craft in the Sivasagar District of Assam, UGC, 2004-05. •Pottery Industry in the Sivasagar District of Assam, UGC, 2009-10. Study Completed: •M.K.Gandhi, Assam and Young Generation , UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, 2010-11 Project Completed (Project Director) : •Socio-Economic and Demographic Pattern of ST and SC in Sivasagar District of Assam, UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, 2013-14

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