03772 296164

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Associate Professor

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Name name

Runjun Hazarika

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Doj doj


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Area Of Interest area_of_interest


Book Chapters book_chapters

1. Title of the Chapters: Madhob Kandalir Ramayanar Sabdasambhar : Eti samu Aluchana ,Name of the book: Sandhayee. 2009 ,Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. 2. Title of the Chapters: Ekbinkha Satikar prathom Dashakot Prakakhit Asomiya Bhraman Sahitya: Eti Chamu parichay. Name of the book: Asomiya Bhasa Sahityar Gati-Prakriti . 2012, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College ISBN-978-81-922338-4-0 3. Title of the Chapters: Small Tea Plantation and Rural Development in Assam Name of the book: Small Scale Industries in Assam. 2012, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College ISBN-978-81-922338-4-0 4. Title of the Chapters: Unabin Satikat Janma grahan kora Asomiya lekhika Aru teolukor sahityarajir samu porichay, Name of the book: Women and Literature. 2014, Publishers Name with ISBN: Women Cell Gargaon College/ ISBN/978-93-5104-435-2 5. Title of the Chapters: Tibbot Bormi Bodo aru Karbi Bhashat Asomiya Bhasar Upadan,Name of the book: Chiton –Manan 2017, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. ISBN-978-81-937412-8-9 6. Title of the Chapters: Gargaonr Samipborti Mach Kachari Sakolor samaj Aru Sanskriti: Eti chamu Parichy, Name of the book: che–Hung 2017, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. ISBN-978-81-937412-9-5 7. Title of the Chapters: Axomar keitiman Biluptaprai Poramporagat luka Natyanusthan: Eti Bishlekhon ,Name of the book: Prabandha Bibidha 2018, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. ISBN-978-81-937412-7-6 8. Title of the Chapters: charaibahi Comity Bhaona , Name of the book: Purbaranga 2023, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. ISBN 978-81- 922338-1-9 9. Title of the Chapters: Asomiya bhasar swar aru bynjan sangjukti Name of the book: Bhasha sahitya Sangbikshan. 2022, Publishers Name with ISBN: Gargaon College. ISBN ISBN -978-81-954347- 4- 9 1. Title of the Chepter : Sankardevor Borgeet :Eti Bhasatwatik Bislekhon. Name of the book: The Wave of Thought 2023 Publishers Name with ISBN: Title of the Chapters: Sankardevor Borgeet :Eti Bhasatwatik Bislekhon. Name of the book: The Wave of Thought 2023, Publishers Name with ISBN: Moran woman College ISBN- 978-81-959452-2-1 11. Title of the Chapters: Asomiya Bhasar Ucharon Akhor- Jutani aru Sachetonata. Name of the book: Gargoan. 2023 Publishers Name with ISBN- Gargoan College 978-81-9453005-6-5

Conference conference

1. Title Of the Seminar: Present Status of Handicraft in the North –Eastern Region.( UGC sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper: The Role of Handicrafts in the Present Rural Society of Assam. Organized by Gargaon College on 3rd and 4th February 2006. 2. Title of the Seminar: Road Map for Development of Tourism in North-East India (International Seminar) Title of Paper Presented: Prospect of Cultural Tourism in Sivasagor District with Special Reference to Charaideo and Its Surrounding Areas. Organized by Sibsagor girls College And Purbanchal Tai Sahitya Sabha. 3. Title Of the Seminar: Relevance of contemporary India. .( UGC sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper Presented: Axomor Asahajug Andolonar Prekhapatat Gandhibad . Organized by Gargaon College on 7th and 8th Januuary 2006. 5. Title of the Seminar: Ethnicity and Identity Crisis in North East India (UGC Sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper Presented: Deolangkhui Upanyasat Prakashit Tiwa Janagusthir Sanskritir Abalukan Organized by Dikhowmukh College on 3rd and 4th March 2011. 6. Title of the Seminar: Social Political and Environmental Impact on the Growth and Development of Entrepreneurship in North East Region. (UGC Sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper Presented: Problems And Prospects of Women Entrepreneurship in Sivasagor District Of Assam. Organized by SPP College Namti on 10th 11th February 2011. 7. Title of the Seminar: Rural Development in the North Eastern Region (UGC Sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper Presented: Small Tea Plantation and Rural Development in Assam (Organized by Gargaon College on 31 March. 2012.) 8. Title of the Seminar: India Drama: Tradition and Transition. (UGC Sponsored National Seminar) . Title of Paper Presentation: Axomiya Anatar Nator Kolakoushal ( Organized by HCDG College Nitaipukhuri on 18TH and 19th March. 2012.) 9. Title Of the Seminar: Role and Significance of Bhaona in the Context of Ethnic and Communal Harmony in Assam. (UGC Sponsored National Seminar) . Title of Paper Presentation: Axomor Keitaman Bilupta Prai Poromoporagota Lukanatyanusthan: Eti Bislekhan. Organized by JDSG College Bokakhat on 17TH&18th Dec 2014. 10. Title Of the Seminar: Folk Culture in North East India: an Analytical Study. (ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar) . Title of Paper Presentation: Garo Jonogusthi sakalor Hajpar Aru Alonkar: Ek Porompora Aru Poriborton. Organized by BPB Memorial College Borhat on 22rd &23rd Sept. 2014 11. Title of the Seminar: Writings Form North East India: Trends and Issues. . (ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar) Title of Paper Presentation: Sankar Devor Borgit; Eti Bhashatatwik Bislekhon. (Organized by Dept.of English Gargaon College on24th & 25th Feb, 2023 12. Title of the Seminar: Spirituality: Theoretical and Applied Significance. (Sponsored by Assam Satra Mahasabha) Title of Paper Presentation: kirtonar Rasakriya r Adhyatmik Tatporya.organized by Dept,of Assamese Gargaon College on 7th October 2023

Workshop workshop

1. Title of the Workshop: Research Methodology (UGC Sponsored) Organized by SPP College Namti, from 24th to 29th june 2011. 2. Title of the Workshop: National Level Training cum Workshop on Sensitizing Towards Disaster Management. (UGC Sponsored) Organized by Gargaon College on 17th &18 Feb 2012. 3. Title of the Workshop: Pedagogy, Question Paper Setting and Evaluation in Semester Organized by CKB College Teak from 8th to 13th sept: 2015 4. Title of the Workshop: Human Rights Issues prospects and Challenges. (UGC Sponsored) Organized Bahona College from 26th Aug to21sept 2016 5. Title of the Workshop: Gandhian Approaches to Present Global Issues and Challenges (UGC) Organized JNHS College Janji from 28th oct to3rd Nov. 2017 6. Title of the Workshop: Indigenous Theatrical Practices of North East India. (UGC) Organized by DR College Golaghat from 19th oct to 22nd oct. 2017 7. Title of the Workshop:. One day National Workshop on Finance and Accounts of Higher Education Institutions of Assam Organized by Gargaon College on 11th Mar. 2023

Orientation Course orientation_course

Orientation Course: 1. Organizer: Orientation programs-73. Academic Staff College Gauhati University. From 3rd December, to 30th December.

Refresher Course refresher_course

1. Organizer - Academic Staff College Gauhati University .From 20th Oct to 09 th Nov.2011 2. Organizer - Academic Staff College Gauhati University. From 21 July.to10 Aug.2014

Short Term Course Attended short_term_course_attended

1. Use of ICT Tools for the classroom. Organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati form 23rd to 28th Sept 2019 2. Teaching Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education. . Organized by Dept.of Education, Sibsagor College, Joysagor from 9th to15th March 2022 3. NEP 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme Organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher training Centre& Central University of South Bihar Gaya from 23rd Jan to 31 Jan 2024 Short Term Course: 1. Organizer: HRDC Gauhati University. 20th Nov.to26th 2017

Desig Id desig_id


Desig Title desig_title

Associate Professor

" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.