Workshop Attended as Resource Person
1. “Technique of Induced Breeding and its Utility in Indigenous Fish Culture” organized by Department of Fishery, Dibrugarh Office, Govt. of Assam on 10th July, 2014.
2. Training on Pen Culture in Flood Plain Wetland of Assam Under Neh Component of CIFRI held on 24th July, 2014, organized by Department of Fishery, Dibrugarh Office, Govt. of Assam on 10th July, 2014.
3. “Entrepreneurship Development in Aquarium Trade, Small Scale Argi-business as a Source of Livelihood in NE India” part of the one-week workshop on Skill Development and Career Opportunities in Biological Sciences jointly organized by Department of Botany and Zoology, B. Borooah College, Guwahati from 19th to 24th July, 2021.
4. “Prospect of Entrepreneurship in Aquarium Trade: With an Overview of Ornamental Fishery of Northeast India” organized by Department of Zoology, in Collaboration with IQAC Digboi College, Dated 29/09/2021 at Saraipung.
5. “Cost Effective Culture of Indigenous Magur to Boost Rural Economy” for the Saraipung Forest Village, an adopted model village of NSS Digboi College unit organized by NSS Digboi College unit, Department of Zoology, in collaboration with IQAC Digboi College & Digboi Forest Division, Dated 19/11/2021 at Saraipung.
6. Awareness Programme cum workshop on Air Quality Improvement under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) from 21st– 25th March, 2022, organized by Pollution Control Board Assam, RLO- Sivasagar.
7. Training program on Composite Fish farming of residential training programs (five days each) for the beneficiaries of the FMS-CMSGUY scheme. Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University with the financial support of the Fishery Mission Society, Govt. of Assam under the scheme Chief minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana (FMS-CMSGUY) on 24th February, 2023.
8. Delivered a talk on Awareness Programme cum workshop on “We Need Food, not Tobacco” on the eve of “World No Tobacco Day-2023” organized by NSS Unit, S.P.P. College, Namti on 31st March, 2023.
9. Training program on Fishery and Aquaculture to Livelihood Beneficiaries in Order to Provide Alternative Livelihood Opportunities to People Affected by Human-Elephant Conflict organized by Aaranyak on 27th July.
10. Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Aquarium Trade organized by Institutional Hub Namrup College on 20th February 2024.
11. One Day Workshop & Hands on Training on Aquarium Fabrication organized by IQAC Gargaon College in collaboration with Department of Zoology & Department of Botany, Gargaon College on 27th March, 2024
Workshops participated
1. Workshop on “Intellectual Property, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship” at Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh held on 18th February, 2013 organized by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) in association with Dibrugarh University.
2. 45 days Training programme on “Ornamental Fish Breeding & Culture” held from 8th January 2015 to 21st February 2015 organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Versova, Mumbai, India.
3. National Workshop on “Coldwater Endemic Fishes of North Eastern Himalaya: Avenues and Challenges” held from 5th to 6th November, 2015 organized by ICAR- Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, Nainital, Uttarakhand.
4. Workshop on Latex held from 4th to 6th January, 2016 organized by the Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University.
5. Workshop on “Statistical and Computing Methods for Life Science Data Analysis” held from 8th February to 12th February, 2016 organized by the Biological Anthropology Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata at Department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University.
6. National Training Workshop on Fauna of Hotspots-3: Eastern Himalaya held from 17th to 21st March, 2016 at North Eastern Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Shillong, as part of the Centenary celebration of the Zoological Survey of India.
7. Workshop on Important Methodologies in Genomics and Proteomics Research held from 22nd to 27th September, 2016 sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India organized by Institutional Biotech Hub and Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility, Centre for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Dibrugarh University.
8. National Interactive meet on “Mahseer in Recreational Fisheries and Eco-tourism in North East India: Scientists- Stakeholders – Entrepreneurs Meet & Angling Festival held from 1st to 2nd October, 2016 organized by ICAR- Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand & Jasingpha Aqua Tourism Resort, Nagaon, Assam & Coldwater Fisheries Society of India.
9. Two days National Workshop on “Research Paper and Research Paper and Project Proposal writing” held from 24th to 25th October, 2016 organized by Dibrugarh University Research Scholar Association, Dibrugarh University.
10. National Workshop on “Ornamental Fishes for Livelihood and Entrepreneurship Development in Northeast India” held from 8th to 9th November, 2016 organized by Department of Fishery Science, St. Anthony’s College, Shillong in collaboration with NFDB, Hyderabad & Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Meghalaya held at Department of Fishery, Meghalaya.
11. Workshop on “Capacity building in grant writing skills and effective management of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Biotechnology by universities and research institutions in North East Region” held from 16th to 18th November, 2016 at Dibrugarh University sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, organized by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), New Delhi.
12. Training programme on “Ornamental Fish Farming” held from 16th to 17th March, 2017 sponsored by Indian Council for Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture organized by Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University in collaboration with Jeeva-Suraksha, Sivasagar, Assam.
13. Workshop on “Bioinformatics: Current Approaches and Application in Biomedical Research” held from 28th to 29th, 2017 organized by the Biomedical Informatics Centre of ICMR, RMRC, Dibrugarh.
14. Orientaion program on Assam Biodiversity Portal held on March 24th, 2018. organized by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) in Collaboration with Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University.
15. Workshop on “Bioinformatics: Tools & Applications held from 23rd – 29th April, 2019 organized by Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh- 786004, Assam, India.
16. Workshop on “Patenting Innovations and Intellectual Property Rights” held from 29th to 30th March, 2022 organized by the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell, Dibrugarh University.