Fish Nutrition, Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, Fauna of Assam
Book Chapters
1. Rashmi Dutta and Rina Handique (2023) ‘Water Pollution and its impact on Freshwater Fish species and their Aquatic Environments’ Open Science, A Compilation of Science Articles, Volume: II, Gargaon College Science Forum, Simaluguri, Gargaon, Sivasagar, ISBN:978-81-954347-3-2, Vol. II; 250-266 pp.
Book Edited
1. Dr. Ranjana Gogoi, Dr. Rina Handique, Dr. Dilip Deka , Editor, Open Science, Gargaon College Science Forum ISBN 978-81-937874-6-5, Vol. I, 2019
1. A UGC Sponsored National Seminar entitled “Ornamental Fish in North -Eastern Region of India-Its Culture and Maintenance” held at D. H.S.K. College College, Dibrugarh on 29-30th, January, 2006 was participated and presented a paper.
2. A National Seminar on “Environmental Issues in North East India; Past, Present and Challenges Ahead” organized by Gargaon College was participated.
3. A UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Indigenous Tools and Technology in North East India: Retrospect and Prospect” organized by Gargaon College was participated and presented a paper.
1. Two-Days NAAC Sponsored workshop was participated on “Role of Internal Quality Assurance Cell in the Reaccreditation Process on 7-8th August, 2009 organized by IQAC Gargaon College”.
2. Three Days National Level Workshop on Culture of Assam: As a Favourite Tourist Attraction, was participated, sponsored by UGC from 15th-17th, February, 2010 organized by Gargaon College.
3. DBT Sponsored Workshop was participated on “Structural Bioinformatics” from 26th-28th, September, 2012 organized by BIF Dibrugarh University.
Minor Research project on Feed formulation for the fingerlings of commercially important fish, sponsored by UGC was completed in 1997-98
Refresher Course
1. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at North Easytern Hill University from 1st -21st March, 1997.
2. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 3rd -23rd December, 1998.
3. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 28th September-18th October, 2001.
4. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 5th -25th February, 2003
Short Term Course Attended
1. Short -term course was completed for Faculty Development on the theme “Knowledge Management-Challenges in Higher Education” organized by UGC- HRDC, Bangalore University, Bengaluru from 18th -24th March, 2016.
" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.