Fish Nutrition, Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, Fauna of Assam
Book Chapters book_chapters
1. Rashmi Dutta and Rina Handique (2023) ‘Water Pollution and its impact on Freshwater Fish species and their Aquatic Environments’ Open Science, A Compilation of Science Articles, Volume: II, Gargaon College Science Forum, Simaluguri, Gargaon, Sivasagar, ISBN:978-81-954347-3-2, Vol. II; 250-266 pp.
Book Edited book_edited
1. Dr. Ranjana Gogoi, Dr. Rina Handique, Dr. Dilip Deka , Editor, Open Science, Gargaon College Science Forum ISBN 978-81-937874-6-5, Vol. I, 2019
Conference conference
1. A UGC Sponsored National Seminar entitled “Ornamental Fish in North -Eastern Region of India-Its Culture and Maintenance” held at D. H.S.K. College College, Dibrugarh on 29-30th, January, 2006 was participated and presented a paper.
2. A National Seminar on “Environmental Issues in North East India; Past, Present and Challenges Ahead” organized by Gargaon College was participated.
3. A UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Indigenous Tools and Technology in North East India: Retrospect and Prospect” organized by Gargaon College was participated and presented a paper.
Workshop workshop
1. Two-Days NAAC Sponsored workshop was participated on “Role of Internal Quality Assurance Cell in the Reaccreditation Process on 7-8th August, 2009 organized by IQAC Gargaon College”.
2. Three Days National Level Workshop on Culture of Assam: As a Favourite Tourist Attraction, was participated, sponsored by UGC from 15th-17th, February, 2010 organized by Gargaon College.
3. DBT Sponsored Workshop was participated on “Structural Bioinformatics” from 26th-28th, September, 2012 organized by BIF Dibrugarh University.
Seminars seminars
Minor Research project on Feed formulation for the fingerlings of commercially important fish, sponsored by UGC was completed in 1997-98
Refresher Course refresher_course
1. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at North Easytern Hill University from 1st -21st March, 1997.
2. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 3rd -23rd December, 1998.
3. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 28th September-18th October, 2001.
4. Refresher course on Zoology was participated at Dibrugarh University from 5th -25th February, 2003
Short Term Course Attended short_term_course_attended
1. Short -term course was completed for Faculty Development on the theme “Knowledge Management-Challenges in Higher Education” organized by UGC- HRDC, Bangalore University, Bengaluru from 18th -24th March, 2016.
Desig Id desig_id
Desig Title desig_title
Associate Professor
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