03772 296164
Department of English
Programmes Offered
Notice Board
Notable Alumni
Higher Studies
Contact Us
Syllabus/ Q-Papers
Former Faculty Members
ICT Class Report
MoU & Collaborations
Foreign Collaborations
IKS (Indian Knowledge System)
Green Initiatives

Profile of English Department

The Department of English, Gargaon College started functioning with the strength of only one teacher, Dr C S Rao, in 1959. A few years later, he was assisted by D.K Mac Furlong as a part-time lecturer, who worked temporarily for a couple of years. By 1977, there was a total strength of four teachers and major course was introduced. The Department of English from its inception till date continues to nurture young inds towards their holistic development.

The total strength of regular teachers is six at present with three Associate Professors and three Assistant Professors. Dr. Rashmi Rekha Saikia has been appointed as Principal of Kakojan College and is therfore seving on lien. Four teachers of the department have been awarded Ph.D and one teacher is pursuing Ph.D under Arunachal University. Five teachers of the department have M.Phil. Degree.

The department encourages holding of seminars at the state and national level as well as in the Department itself. Apart from such activities, students are encouraged to take part in various programmes and activities of NSS, Youth Festival among other events.


                       Courses Intake
  • B.A English Honours (CBCS)
  • B.A English Honours (FYUGP)
  • M.A in English:
  • Student-Teacher Ratio:

Vision of the Department

  • To impart holistic knowledge to the students.
  • To impart quality education to face the challenges of the global world.
  • To improve communication skills of the students.

Mission of the Department

  • To encourage self-evaluation, personality development and confidence building thereby guiding the students to strive towards perfection inculcating a sound philosophy for a holistic living.
  • To guide them to achieve their goals by upholding the values of social progress and commitment.
  • To provide an excellent teaching and learning environment for better exchange of ideas and knowledge.
  • To cater to the needs of the rural and economically weaker students.

Future Plan of the Department

  • To organize seminars for students from various colleges under Sivasagar district on various topics under UG and PG courses
  • Opening of Additional Add-On/Skill Deveopment Courses on Business Writing/Scientific Writing etc.
  • Keeping in focus the relevance of Indian Knowledge System, a Course in Translation is in the pipeline.
  • To undertake research projects for students

Goals and Objectives of the Department

  • The Department motivates the students to culture the best practices and develop positive attitude.
  • To provide a platform to the students to exhibit their talents and creativity.
  • To enrich the knowledge of the students on global issues and make them informative and competitive.
  • The department motivates the students to showcase their literary creativity by way of publication.
  • Apart from the course syllabus, the department encourages the students to participate in extra curricular activities.
  • To impart employability skills

Innovative Practices of the Department

  • Faculty members provide psychological, academic and career counselling to the students.
  • Faculty Members provide personal books and other reading materials to the students to continue their education.
  • Regular Seminars are arranged for all the Major students.
  • Group Discussions are conducted on a regular basis.
  • Adaptation of Films on Novels, Dramas included in the Syllabus.
  • Students are encouraged to play the role of teachers in the classroom in respective classes.
  • Students of the department bring out an annual e-magazine besides the wall magazine.

Departmental Library

The Department of English has a well-equipped library of more than 300 books. Reading materials in Xerox form are also maintained in the library for the use of the students. Moreover films on novels and dramas prescribed in the syllabus are kept in digital format. The Department subscribes an International Journal of Language and Literature  titled “ROCK PEBBLES”

SWOT Analysis of the Department:


  • The English Department has been able to produce several toppers in English under Dibrugath University and has a good pass percentage.
  • It has qualified faculty members.
  • Presence of an Effective Mentorship System
  • It has established good parent-teacher relationship. Guardian meeting is held annually and good contact is maintained with parents.


  • Poor communication skill in English
  • Lack of sufficient man power to handle a large number of students.


  • Opportunity for carrying out research based projects.
  • Opportunity for opening vocational courses related to areas such as Business Communication etc.
  • Opportunity for opening consultancy services.


  • Imparting English teaching to rural based students with poor English background.
  • Majority of students belong to poor economic background.


  1. HimakhiPhukan secured First Class First position and became the Topper in B.A. English (Hons) Examination, 2015 held under Dibrugarh University. She was also a recipient of the “Ram Deo Sharma Award 2012” conferred by Assam Sahitya Sabha.
  2. NimpiBorgohain secured the First Class Third position and Ms. PlabitaPhukan secured the First Class Fourth position in B.A. English (Hons) Examination held in 2019 under Dibrugarh University.
  3. AngkritaChetia secured the First Class Third position (with distinction) in the B.A. English (hons) Examination held in 2020 under Dibrugarh University.

Awards and Recognition Received by Faculty Members

Dr. Rashmi Rekha Saikia was awarded Best Educationist Award for Talented Personalities in 2017, by Economic Growth Foundation, New Delhi.


Associate Professor
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Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
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Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
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Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
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Assistant Professor
M.A., M. Phil.
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Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil.
More Detail

Programmes Offered by English Department
  • BA English (Honours) CBCS: 3 years
  • BA English (Honours) FYUGP: 4 Years
  • MA English: 2 Years
  • Add-On Course in Creative Writing in English

Notice Board of English Department

Achievements of English Department

Activities of English Department

Notable Alumni of English Department

1.Mary Shyam:

Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, Charaideo


2.Nayanmoni Changmai:

Assistant Deputy Controller Civil Defence

O/o The Deputy Controller Civil Defence Kamrup (M)


3.Manash Kr. Sarma:

Superintendent, N F Rly



4.Bhaben Dihingia

Inspector of Police, Unarmed Branch


Placement of English Department

Higher Studies of English Department

Contact Us of English Department

Contact Us: 


Publications of English Department

Former Faculty Members of English Department
  1. N. Hazarika
  2. N. Nalarajan
  3. D.Sharma
  4. K.Chetia
  5. Rotneswar Buragohain
  6. K.Sharma Boruah
  7. Dr.C.S.Rao
  8. B.K.Gogoi
  9. Deben Dutta
  10. Late U.C.Singh
  11. Umar Afjal
  12. L.P.Gupta
  13. M.C. Buragohain
  14. Bhabani Charan Borgohain
  15. Biren Gohain
  16. Nobin Chandra Gohain
  17. Syed M.Mahsin
  18. Rina Borthakur
  19. Junu Mahanta
  20. Deb Das Kar
  21. S.K.Das
  22. S.C. Roy
  23. Dr.Pranab Sandilya
  24. Junali Dutta Boruah
  25. Dipanjali Boruah



News of English Department

ICT Class Report of English Department

Feedback of English Department

Newsletter of English Department

MoU & Collaborations of English Department

Foreign Collaborations of English Department

IKS (Indian Knowledge System) of English Department

Green Initiatives of English Department