03772 296164

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Assistant Professor
M.A., M. Ed., M.Phil., Ph. D


M.A., M. Ed., M.Phil., Ph. D

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Area Of Interest

Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Mathematical Economics


1) A Critical Assessment of Student Support Services adopted by the Distance Education Institutions of Dual Mode Universities in Assam, International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, ISSN-2319-9725, Vol. No.- 2, Issue -7 July, 2013 2) An analytical study of the Distance Education Institutions of Dual Mode Universities in North- East India, Journal of Knowledge, ISSN-2321-791X, Vol. No- 1,Issue -1, August, 2013 3) Effectiveness of Distance Education for Human Resource Development in North-East India(JOSAAC), An annual Bilingual Research Journal of Science, Arts and Commerce, ISSN-2348-0602, Vol. No- II January, 2015 4 ) Role of Open & Distance Learning for Sustainable Development in North-East India Shristi (A peer Reviewed Journal of Women Cell, Lumding College), ISSN-2277-6540, Vol. No-6, August, 2016 5 ) Household Energy Consumption Pattern: A Study in Sivasagar District of Assam Alochona Chakra Journal ,UGC CARE (Group -1 Journal), ISSN-2231-3990, Vol-I, Issue- VI June, 2020 6 ) Present Status and crisis of energy sources in North-Eastern Region of India, Journal of Education, Rabindra Bharati University (UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal), ISSN-0972-7175, Vol. XXII, No.:1, 2021 7) Choice of Cooking Fuel and its Determinants: A Study in Dhemaji District of Assam Anvesak, A bi-annual journal, UGC CARE (Group -1 Journal) ,ISSN-0378 – 4568, Vol. 51, No.2, July – December 2021 8) An Overview of India’s Energy Scenario, Third Concept, An International Journal of Ideas,ISSN-0970-7247,Vol.35 No.420, February, 2022 9) Diversity of Choice of Cooking Fuel and its Determinants in Golaghat and Dhemaji Districts of Assam South India Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN-0972-8945, ISSN-Vol. XXI No.2, June,2023 10) Pattern of Rural Household Energy Consumption and its Determinants: A Study in Dhemaji District of Assam Third Concept An International Journal of Ideas Vol. 38 No. 446, Pp.104-107April, 2024 ,ISSN- 0970-7247

Book Chapters

1) Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in Contemporary India, "Relevance of the Gandhian Educational Philosophy to the modern educational thought", UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, ISBN- 978-81-922338-0-2 October,2011,Sivasagar 2) Population Education, "A Study of the attitude of women teachers towards population Education in Jorhat District of Assam" , APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN- 978-81-313-1223-0 , 2011, New Delhi 3) Environmental Education –concepts, Issues and problems, "Population Education and Attitude of teachers at Secondary Stage",K.K. Publication, ISBN- 978-81-922273-0-6 July,2011, Guwahati 4) Rural Development in North-East Region, " Globalization and Rural Development in North-East India",UGC Sponsored Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, ISBN- 978-81-922338-5-7, September,2012, Sivasagar 5) Entrepreneurship Development in the North- East India , " Women Entrepreneurship in India" , Purbanchal Prakash, Guwahati, ISBN- 978-81-7213-143-2, 2012, Guwahati 6) Teacher Education, "A Study of the attitude of B. Ed Students towards Distance Education as a viable mode for teacher education programme" , APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN-978-93-313-1967-8 2013 7) Women Issues and Development in Indian Perspectives:, "SWOT analysis of the rural women and their roles in Rural Development Process in Sivasagar District of Assam", Women Cell, Gargaon College, Sivasagar, Assam, ISBN-978-93-5104-434-5 2013 8) Rural Financing in North Eastern Region of India Issues and Challenges (Seminar Proceeding), "Rural Marketing in North-East India: Opportunities and Challenges", Department of Accountancy , Golaghat Commerce college, Golaghat, ISBN-978-93-85895-65-4, 2016 9) Impact of Covid -19 on Indian Society, "Covid-19 Pandemic Scenario on socio-economic Issues of India: Challenges And opportunities", Balaji Publications, ISBN- 978-9385756-99-6, 2020 10) Tea Makers of North East India, "Energy Consumption Pattern of Tea Plantation Workers in Sivasagar District of Assam", South Eastern Book Agencies, ISBN-978-93-89262-14-8, 2020 11) LSME Research Book 2021, Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 7th LSME international research conference on “Role of management, education and social sciences in responsible research and innovations: challenges and realities’ Responsible Research and Innovations in Management and Human Sciences. "Energy Scenario in North- East India : A SWOT Analysis", London School of Management Education (LSME) which is based in London, United Kingdom. ISBN-978-0-9931224-9-1 March, 2021 12) Ai-Seng, Souvenir published on the occasion of 11th Annual Women Convention of ACTA, "Green Economy: Women as Stalwart Agents", Swahid Peoli Phukan College, Namti, ISBN-978-93-92529-06-1, November,2021 13) LSME Research Compendium 2022, Publication of Research Papers Presented at the 8th LSME international research conference on ‘ Sustainable Development and Education’, " How to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4: India’s Context with New Education Policy 2020", London School of Management Education (LSME) which is based in London, United Kingdom.ISBN-978-1838472-91-7 April, 2022 14 )9th LSME international research conference on Global Education and the Green Economy (Conference Proceedings)18-19 August, 2022, "Green Economy Initiatives: Role of Women as Global Agents", London School of Management Education (LSME) which is based in London, United Kingdom, ISBN-978-1838472-92-4, October 2022 15) LSME RESEARCH BOOK 2023 publication of research papers presented at the 9th LSME International Research Conference on Global Education and the Green Economy 18-19 August, 2022, " Green Economy Initiatives: Role of Women as Global Agents", London School of Management Education (LSME) which is based in London, United Kingdom, ISBN-978-1838472-93-1 June,2023

Book Edited

A) Books Published 1. Higher Secondary Text Book for First Year (Education), ISBN N0: 81-7665-248-2 Students’ Stores, Guwahati, 2005 2. Higher Secondary Text Book for Second Year (Education), ISBN N0: 81-7665-280-6 Students’ Stores, Guwahati, 2006 3. Saikhik Projuktibidya (A Text Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-927366-4-8, Shanti Prakashan, Guwahati, 2013 4. Bharatiya Shikshar Karmabikashor Itihash (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-50-8, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013 5. Swadhinottor Kalor Bharotor Shiksha (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-49-2 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013 6. Bharotor Shikshar Itihas (1947Sonoloike) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-67-6 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013 7. Shaikshik Byabosthapona (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-64-5, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2014 8. Laboratory Practical (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-88-1, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2015 9. Sikshar Darshonik Bhitti (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-942128-2-9, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2019 10. Ganitik Arthabijnan, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82056-75-1Banalata, Dibrugarh-Guwahati, 2019 11. Saishik Prashason aru Byabasthapana (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-944823-6-9 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 12. Saishik Parimapon aru Mulyayon, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-3-6 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 13. 13.Mahan Sikshabidsakal aru Saikhik Chintadhara (A text book), ISBN N0:978-81-945549-5-0, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 14. Parikshamulok Monobigyan Aru Parikshagaror, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-7-1,Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 15. Philosophical Foundations of Education (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-6-7 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 16. Apukhuri Pooh Nomona Hopun (Assamese Poem Book), Prajnya Prakashan, Sivasagar, 2018 17. Chandrimar Dalichat Taraphulor Hanhi (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-944823-3-8, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 18. Jonaki Subashor Urmimala (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-2-9 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 19. Cherry Phoolor Swapnil Subash (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-1-2 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 20. National Service Scheme and Youth Development (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 3rd and 5th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-9385756-98-6 ,Balaji Publications, Meerut U. P., 2020 21. Rastriya Sewa Aachoni and Yuba Unnayan (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 3rd and 5th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-81-948607-5-4, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020 22. Manosik Swastha aru Swasthavijnan, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-949523-6-7, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, 2020 23. Prak Swadhinota Kalor bharatiya Sikhyabyabostha, (A text book), ISBN N0:978-93-91158-08-8, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, 2021 24. Abinashi Bisador Jadukori Rati (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-01-0, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2021 25. Great Educational Thinkers (A text book), Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, April, 2021 26. Measurement and Evaluation in Education & Laboratory Practical, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, November, 2021 27. Sugandhi Rodor Muhamoyee Alpana (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-10-2, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, December, 2021 28. Role of women in Changing the Society (Ed.), ISBN N0: 978-81-955557-5-8, Scieng Publications, Tamilnadu-604303(India) (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company), January 2022 29. Bharator Sikhyar kramavikas- ? (Development of Education in India-1) (Assamese medium) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91158-33-0, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, January, 2022 30. Bharator Sikhyar kramavikas- ? (Development of Education in India-2) (Assamese medium) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91158-35-4, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati January, 2022 31. NSS in Socio- Economic Development (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 4th and 6th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-23-2, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat May, 2022 32. Artha-Samajik Unnayanot Rastriya Sewa Asoni (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 4th and 6th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-22-5 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, May, 2022 33. Meghasna hridayar Rodali (Assamese Poem Book), Unika Prakashan, Jorhat September, 2022 34. Rastriya Sewa Asoni aru Yuva Samaj (3rd Semester Skill Enhancement Course for BA/B.Sc/ Course under Dibrugarh University as per FYUGP Syllabus), ISBN N0: 978-93-93883-53-9, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, August, 2024 35. NSS for Youth (3rd Semester Skill Enhancement Course for BA/B.Sc/ Course under Dibrugarh University as per FYUGP Syllabus), ISBN N0: 978-93-93883-70-6, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, August, 2024 B) Books Edited 1) Women Empowerment Vol-I (Ed.),ISBN-978-93-86603-89-3 New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, 2019 2) Women Empowerment Vol-II (Ed.), ISBN-978-93-86603-89-3 New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, 2019 3) Impact of Corvid -19 on Indian Society (Ed.)ISBN-978-9385756-99-6, Balaji Publications, Meerut U. P., 2020 4) Ai-Seng (Ed.) Souvenir published on the occasion of 11th Annual Women Convention of ACTA, ISBN-978-93-92529-06-1, Swahid Peoli Phukan College, Namti, November, 2021 5) Role of women in Changing the Society (Ed.), ISBN-978-81-955557-5-8, Scieng Publications,Tamilnadu-604303(India) (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company), January 2022


1) National Seminar on 'Environmental Issues in North-East India: Past, Present and Challenges Ahead' on 10th & 11th May, 2008, at Gargaon College 2) National Seminar on ‘Recent trends in Biodiversity: Exploitation, Conservation and Management’, presented paper on "A study on the Forest Products of Sivasagar District with special reference to Timber Yielding Plants" on 14th & 15th November, 2008, at Gargaon College, sponsored by UGC. 3 ) National Seminar on ‘Emerging Concerns of women in India’, presented paper on "Role of Working Women in the Present Society: Problems and Prospects" on 5th ,6th & 7th Feb, 2010, at Kakojan College, sponsored by UGC 4) National Seminar on ‘Women Development and North –East’, presented paper on “Role of Women in Sustainable agriculture" on 20th & 21st March, 2010, at D.C.B. Girl’s College, Jorhat, sponsored by ICSSR 5) National seminar on ‘Population Explosion and Development in India with special reference to North-East Region’, presented paper on " A Study of the Attitude of Women Teachers towards Population Education In Jorhat District of Assam" on 27th & 28th August, 2010, at Doomdooma College, sponsored by UGC 6) National Seminar on ‘Urban Waste Disposal and its impact on Environment and Public Health: Quest for Solution’, presented paper on “Role of Private Sector Participation in Solid Waste Management.” on 23rd, 24th & 25th September, 2010, Sivasagar College, Joysagar, sponsored by UGC 7) National Seminar on ‘Philosophy, Society and Values’, presented paper on “Philosophy, Society and Values” on 29th-30th December, 2010, at Biswanath College, Sunitpur, sponsored by UGC 8) National Seminar on ‘Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in contemporary India’, presented paper on "Relevance of Gandhian Educational Philosophy to the modern educational thought", on 7th & 8th January,2011, at Gargaon College, sponsored by UGC 9) National Seminar on ‘Social, Political and Environmental Impact on the Growth and Development of Entrepreneurship in the North- East Region, presented paper on "Women Entrepreneurs in India" on 10th & 11th February,2011, at S.P.P. College, Namti, sponsored by UGC 10) National Seminar on ‘the Relevance of Teachings of Swami Vivekanda to meet the Challenges of the Present-Day Society with special reference to the North- Eastern Region’, presented paper on "Quality and Relevance in Higher Education and the Philosophy of Education of Swami Vivekanda” on 29th March,2011, at J.G. College, Khumtai, sponsored by UGC 11) National Seminar on ‘Women Issues and Development in Indian Perspectives’, presented paper on “Role of Rural Women in Rural Development” on 5th November, 2011, Gargaon College, sponsored by ICSSR 12)National Seminar on ‘Role of Higher Education Institutions in Developing Entrepreneurship in North- East India on 20th & 21st December, 2011, at S.M.D. College, Charing, sponsored by UGC 13) National Seminar on ‘Rural Development in the North- Eastern Region’ presented paper on “Globalisation and Rural Development in North East India: Challenges and Opportunities” on 31st March, 2012 at Gargaon College, sponsored by UGC 14) National Seminar on ‘Education for Human Resource Development in the context of 21st Century’, presented paper on “Perception of Stakeholders of Higher Educational Institutions towards Soft-Skills and Life Skill Education for Human Resource Development” on 5th & 6th April,2012, at Gauhati University, Dept. of Education & Abhiruchi Institute of Physical Education 15 ) International Seminar on ‘Inclusion and Qualitative Expansion in Education- Issues & Challenges’ presented paper on “An Evaluative study of the Distance Education Institutions of Dual Mode Universities in Assam” on 7th , 8th & 9th February, 2013 at Dibrugarh University 16 ) National Seminar on ‘Changing role of Indian Women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspectives’, presented paper on “Female Workforce Participation in Assam: A SWOT analysis” on 15th & 16th September, 2016, at J. B. College (Autonomous) Women Cell, sponsored by UGC 17 ) National Seminar on ‘Rural Financing in North Eastern Region of India Issues and Challenges’ presented paper on “Rural Marketing in North-East India: Opportunities and Challenges” on 27th & 28th September, 2016 at Department of Accountancy ,Golaghat Commerce College, Golaghat, sponsored by UGC 18 ) National Seminar on ‘Gandhian Philosophy in the Context of Globalisation’, presented paper on “An overview of Gandhiji’s Economic Ideas in the Context of Globalisation” at Gandhian Study Centre in collaboration with Women’s Cell, on 19th August, 2017 at Gargaon College Gandhian Study Centre 19) National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Agriculture in North-East India: Issues: Policies and Way Forward’ , presented paper on “Renewable Energy Use for Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Upper Assam”,at Dept. of Economics Gargaon College on 24th August, 2019, sponsored by ICSSR 20) National Seminar on ‘Gender Sensitisation in India’s North East: Issues & Challenges’, presented paper on “Household Energy Consumption Pattern and Gender Equality: A study in Sivasagar District of Assam”, at KKHSOU, Guwahati Assam, on 5th and 6th March, 2020, sponsored by National Commission for women, New Delhi 21) International Conference on ‘Responsible Research and Innovations in Management and Human Sciences’, presented paper on “Energy Scenario in North- East India : A SWOT Analysis” on 19th & 20th August, 2020, organised by London School of Management Education Online International Conference 22) Three Days International Conference on ‘Environment and Sustainable Development in Post- Covid-19 through SDG’s’, presented paper on “Education for Sustainable Development through Implementation of India’s NEP 2020” on 3rd ,4th & 5th June, 2021, organised by Society for Environment and Sustainable Development, New Delhi, India 23) International Research Conference on ‘Sustainable Development and Education’, presented paper on “How to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4: India’s Context with National Education Policy 2020” on 26th & 27th August,2021, organised by London School of Management Education (LSME) 24) 22nd Annual NEEA Conference NEEA Conference, presented paper on “Determinants of Household Choice of Cooking fuel in Golaghat District of Assam” on 14th & 15th December, 2021 at Centre for Development Studies, Department of Economics Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 25) 9th LSME international research conference on ‘Global Education and the Green Economy’, presented paper on “Green Economy Initiatives: Role of Women as Global Agents”, on18th & 19th August,2022, organised by London School of Management Education (LSME) 26) 63rd Labour Economics Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics63rd Labour Economics Conference presented paper on “Rural Livelihood Diversification and Choice of Cooking Fuels in Golaghat District of Assam” on 1st, 2nd and 3rd March,2023 Centre for Development Studies and Dept. of Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh 27) 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, presented paper on “Household Energy Consumption Pattern, Expenditure and Determinants in Golaghat District of Assam” on 5th & 6th May,2023, organised by Gargaon College Science Forum & IQAC in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST 28) International Conference on Recent Challenges for Global Sustainability 2023 (ICRCGS 2023) & International Award Ceremony SPOORTEHY 2023 attended as ‘Keynote Speaker’ on 4th & 5th June, 2023, organised by Sidvi Foundation & Government College of Arts and Science 29) International Conference Multidisciplinary Innovative Research and Development 2023 (ICMIRD-2023) & International Award Ceremony PURASKAR FOR SRUJANA 2023 attended as ‘Co-Chairperson’ on 1st & 2nd July,2023, organised by Sidvi Foundation & Nilkanthrao Shinde Sience and Arts College 30) International Conference Multidisciplinary Innovative Research and Development 2023 (ICMIRD-2023) & International Award Ceremony PURASKAR FOR SRUJANA 2023 attended as ‘Invited Speaker’ on 1st & 2nd July,2023, organised by Sidvi Foundation & Nilkanthrao Shinde Sience and Arts College 31) International Conference Research in Humanities and Social Sciences-2023(ICRHSS-2023) & International Award CeremonySAVISKAR-2023, as ‘Conference Director’ on 12th & 13th August, 2023, organised by Sidvi Foundation & Academic Research and Policy Foundation 32) 10th LSME international research conference on Education for all, attended on 25th & 26th October,2023, organised by London School of Management Education (LSME)

" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.