03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil.

Emp Id emp_id


Dept Id dept_id


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Is Hod is_hod


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Name name

Mina Rabidas

Qualification qualification

M.A., M.Phil.

Specialization specialization

Northeast India

Doj doj


Email Id email_id

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Publications publications

1. eco feminism: A study Indian women's dedication toward the environment published in Research journal of Philosophy and social science, ISSN-0048-7325, vol-40, no. 2014 2. An analytical report on the practice of witch-hunting in Assam, Published in Journal global values, ISSN-0976-9447, vol-4, 2014

Book Chapters book_chapters

1. "Educational status of scheduled caste women ( A case study based on two S/l villages of SIvasagar district in Assam" published in Women: Issues and challenges, ISBN-978-81-922338-3-3 2. Cultural life of Kanyak Naga tribe of SIvasagar District in Assam published in Craft and culture in North-east India, ISBN- 978-81-922338-71 3.Gargaon Anchalor samajik Poribortan: ek samu Abolukan, published in Che-Hung, ISBN-97881-922338-9-5 4. Outmigration of the Northeast Indian Youth: Astudy, Published in Contemporary research in commerce, management and education ,ISBN-978-81-972336-3-0 5. Eco-feminism, Published in Women's Well-Being inclussive and sustainable growth; ISBN-978-81-945305-1-0 6. Special problem of women in modern society published in Mother earth 7. Gandhiji's Approach for Upliftment of Indian Women Published in Mahatma Gandhi The Architect of India , ISBN- 978-81-922338-2-6

Workshop workshop

1. One-week online Faculty Development Programme cum Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by Department of Economics, Gargaon college. 2. One week Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology IQAC, Gargaon College in Collaboration with Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankardeva Viwavidyalaya IQAC 3.15days International Online workshop on qualitative research Metholodology NIPMR & St.TCTE, Pala & L.Ed.R , Karala NIPMR & St.TCTE, Pala & L.Ed.R , Karala

Desig Id desig_id


Desig Title desig_title

Assistant Professor

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