03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Post Type



Dr. Poli Konwar


M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Area Of Interest

Positive psychology


1. Primary Education in Assam before Independence, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, 2018, vi pp,171-179 2. A Study on Social , Cultural and Educational Aspects of the SC in Sivasagar District of Assam, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, A Peer Reviewed Journal, 2018, vol 8, pp, 171-179 3. Spread of primary Education in Assam, Panchajanya, 2018, ix,pp 222-232 4. Infrastructural Facilities for Primary Education in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, 2019, vol,vii, Pp 45-61 5. A Social Background of Kaibarta Community in Assam, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, A Peer Reviewed Journal, 2020, vol,39, Pp21-26 6. An Appraisal of the Social , cultural and Educational Aspects of the Kaibarta Community in Assam, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, A Peer Reviewed Journal, 2020, vol viii, Pp23-24 7. Dropout in Primary Education ; a case Study in the Kaibarta Community of Sivasagar District in Assam, Purukala, vol 31, UGC care Journal, 2022, vol 31, Pp 1876-1884 8. Educational Aspects of Kaibartas in the Sivasagar district of Assam, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, UGC care Journal, 2023 vol x Pp 593 9. Dropout in Primary Education: A case study in the Kaibarta Community of Sivasagar District of Assam, PANCHAJANYA, A Multidisciplinary Peer- Reviewed Biannual Research Journal), 2023 vol xiv, Pp 132

Book Chapters

• Education and Employment of youth in the country, Yuva Unmekh, published by Gargaon College Simaluguri with ISBN 978-93-87494, 2020, Pp 139-143 • Education in Assam with special reference to Assam , Gender Mainstreaming and sustainable Development published by Mittle Publication with ISBN 81-8324-987-6, 2020 Pp 181-192, • Development of Education in Assam in the Pre Independence period, Society, Economy and Politics of NE India, published by Gargaon College Simaluguri with ISBN 978-93-90919-68-0, 2021, Pp57-67 • A Historical Perspective of Women Education In Assam, WOMEN’s WELL BEING, published by Gargaon College Simaluguri with ISBN 978-81-945305-1-0, 2022 , Pp 136 • An Appraisal of Primary Education in Assam, Abhigyan, Publication Cell Demow College, Sivasagar, 2024, 294-306 • Indian Education System and Employment problems of Youth, YUVA BEEKSHYAN,by Kendriye sewa bahini of Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha, with ISBN: 978-81-945305-8-9, 2024, 78-85

Book Edited

• Primary Education in Assam Past Present and Future, Mittle Publication, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-8324-958-2, 2020 • Schedule Cast Education in Assam, Mittle Publication, New Delhi, 978-93-90692, 2021 • Techniques of Teaching, Banalata Dibrugarh, 978-93-91060-29-9, 2021


1. Presented a research paper on “An Appraisal of the Development programmes of Primary Education after Independence in Assam:” in an ICSSR sponsored National level seminar organised by Kakojan College, Jorhat on 12th, 13th October 2018 2. Presented a research paper on “An Appraisal of the Women's Education In Assam” in an ICSSR sponsored National level seminar organised by Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya on 21th, 22th , October 2019 3. Presented a research paper on “Impact of corona-virus o Primary Education in Assam” organised by DDR College Chabua on 20th and 21th July 2020 4. Presented a research paper on ‘Status of Primary Education in Kaibartas in Sivasagar Dristrict of Assam’ organised by Gargaon College Science Forum and IQAC Gargaon College on 5& 6 May 2023

Orientation Course

Attended a UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme from 16th February to 15th March, 2011

Refresher Course

Attended a UGC Sponsored Refresher Course from 10th November to 30th November, 2009

Short Term Course Attended

1. Attended a UGC Sponsored short term Course under Guwahati University, Human Resource Center from 27 January to 2 February 2020 2. Attended a FDP on Use of ICT tools for classroom teaching organised by E&ICT Academic IIT Guwahati from 22 to 27 April 2019 3. Attended a FDP on Teaching - Learning in Higher Education organised by Sibsagar college, Joysagar from 9 to 15 March 2022 4. Attended a FDP on Research Methodology organised by IQAC, Gargaon College, Simaluguri from 25th June to 29th June 2023

" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.