03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor

Post Type








Area Of Interest

1. Material Science 2. Thin Film Solar Cell 3. Nanotechnology


1. Gitashri Arandhara, Jyotimoni Bora, P.K.Saikia “Effect of pH on the crystallite size, elastic properties and morphology of nanostructured ZnS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition technique”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Elsevier, ISSN: 0254-0584, Volume 241, 2020, 122277 2. Gitashri Arandhara, A. T. T. Mostako, Pankaj Dutta, Jyotimoni Bora and P. K. Saikia “Influence of thermolysis temperature on the morphology, structural and optical properties of nanocomposite ZnS-polyvinyl alcohol thin films: Fabrication and characterization of indium tin oxide/ZnS-polyvinyl alcohol/Al Schottky diode.” Thin Solid Film, Elsevier, ISSN: 0040-6090, Volume 712, 2020, 138317 3. Gitashri Arandhara, P.K. Saikia, “Effect of Cu incorporation on the crystallinity, lattice strain, morphology and electrical properties of nanostructured ZnS- PVA thin films” Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, Elsevier, ISSN: 0921- 4526, Volume 610, 2021, 412924 4. Jyotimoni Bora, Anshuman Borthakur, Gitashri Arandhara, P.K. Saikia, “Effect of Ag doping on the optical and structural properties of CdS/ polyvinyl alcohol thin films by thermolysis process, Thin Solid Films, Elsevier, ISSN: 0040-6090, Volume 734, 2021,138847 5. G. Arandhara, P.K. Saikia, J.Bora “Optical and Stuctural Properties of ZnS thin films grown by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique using two different zinc salt” Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), p-ISSN: 2350- 0077; e-ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 2, Issue 20; October-2015, pp.1761-1764 6. Jyotimoni Bora, P.K. Saikia, Anshuman Borthakur and G. Arandhara “Optical and Stuctural Properties of CdS Thin Films Synthesized by CBD using Different Complexing Agents for Photovoltaic Application” Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), p-ISSN: 2350-0077; e-ISSN: 2350- 0255; Volume 2, Issue 20; October-2015, pp.1765-1769

Book Chapters

1. Gitashri Arandhara, P.K. Saikia, “Optical and structural properties of Cu doped ZnS/PVA thin films” published in book “Frontiers in Basic Physics and Applications”, Knowledge Publication, ISBN-978-81-933014-8-7 2. Bishwajit Boruah, Rituparna Hazarika, Gitashri Arandhara, “Adsorption of Hydrogen on Metal Clusters” published in book “AN ERA OF CHEMICAL CATALYSIS: A THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PERSPECTIVE” Kripa Drishti Publications, ISBN-978-81-949998-0-5 3. Gitashri Arandhara, Ananya Kalita, “India @75: The journey of Woman Empowerment”, Women’s Well-Being Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, ISBN: 978-81-945305-1-0, 2023 4. “Influence of Cu Doping on Structural, Morphological and Optical properties of CdS/PVA Thin Films prepared by Thermolysis Technique” published in book “Emerging Trends in Material Science Research and Applications”, ISBN 978- 81-960757-3-6


1. “Optical and Structural Properties of ZnS thin films grown by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique using two different zinc salt” in the International Conference on “Electronic Devices, Circuits, Applied Electronics and Communication Technology (EDCAECT 2015)” held at Gauhati University October 2015 2. “Synthesis and characterization of ZnS Thin Film Deposited by Chemical Bath Technique” in the “Eleventh National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI- 11)” held in Department of Physics, Tezpur University, December 21-23, 2015 3. “Optical and Structural Characterization of ZnS Thin Film Synthesized by CBD Technique using Zinc Acetate as Zinc Precursor” in the National Thematic Workshop on “Advances in Nanostructured Materials: Aplications and Perspectives (ANMAP 2016), organized by the Assam Kaziranga University and UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre during 1st -2nd June 4, 2016 4. “Synthesis and a Study on Optical, Structural and Morphological Properties of nanocrytalline ZnS thin film in a PVA matrix” in the National Conference on “Nanomaterials Science, Technology and Applications (NAMASTA – 2017)” organized by Dept of physics, Dibrugarh University November 10-11, 2017 5. “Effect of pH on the Optical, Structural and Morphological properties of ZnS thin films synthesized by CBD Technique” in the International conference on “Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences(ETCS-2018)” held at Dibrugarh University, February 26-28, 2018 6. “Optical, Structural and morphological properties of Cu incorporated nanocrystalline ZnS thin films embedded in PVA matrix by thermolysis technique” in the National conference on “Progress in Material Science Research (PMSR-2020)” held in Dibrugarh University, February 4-6, 2020


1. “National Conference on Physical Sciences” held at D.H.S.K. College, September 2013 2. “National Workshop on RF, Microwave Instrumentation for Atmospheric Research held in Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University in collaboration with SAMEER, Mumbai, 9th-10th April, 2015 3. “2-Day Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies” sponsored by INUP (Indian Nanoelectronics Users’ Programme), held at Tezpur University, Assam during april 25-26, 2015

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