A) Books Published
1. Higher Secondary Text Book for First Year (Education), ISBN N0: 81-7665-248-2 Students’ Stores, Guwahati, 2005
2. Higher Secondary Text Book for Second Year (Education), ISBN N0: 81-7665-280-6 Students’ Stores, Guwahati, 2006
3. Saikhik Projuktibidya (A Text Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-927366-4-8, Shanti Prakashan, Guwahati, 2013
4. Bharatiya Shikshar Karmabikashor Itihash (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-50-8, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013
5. Swadhinottor Kalor Bharotor Shiksha (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-49-2 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013
6. Bharotor Shikshar Itihas (1947Sonoloike) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-67-6 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2013
7. Shaikshik Byabosthapona (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-64-5, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2014
8. Laboratory Practical (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82030-88-1, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2015
9. Sikshar Darshonik Bhitti (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-942128-2-9, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2019
10. Ganitik Arthabijnan, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-82056-75-1Banalata, Dibrugarh-Guwahati, 2019
11. Saishik Prashason aru Byabasthapana (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-944823-6-9 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
12. Saishik Parimapon aru Mulyayon, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-3-6 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
13. 13.Mahan Sikshabidsakal aru Saikhik Chintadhara (A text book), ISBN N0:978-81-945549-5-0, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
14. Parikshamulok Monobigyan Aru Parikshagaror, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-7-1,Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
15. Philosophical Foundations of Education (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-6-7 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
16. Apukhuri Pooh Nomona Hopun (Assamese Poem Book), Prajnya Prakashan, Sivasagar, 2018
17. Chandrimar Dalichat Taraphulor Hanhi (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-944823-3-8, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
18. Jonaki Subashor Urmimala (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-2-9 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
19. Cherry Phoolor Swapnil Subash (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-81-945549-1-2 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
20. National Service Scheme and Youth Development (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 3rd and 5th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-9385756-98-6 ,Balaji Publications, Meerut U. P., 2020
21. Rastriya Sewa Aachoni and Yuba Unnayan (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 3rd and 5th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-81-948607-5-4, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2020
22. Manosik Swastha aru Swasthavijnan, (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-81-949523-6-7, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, 2020
23. Prak Swadhinota Kalor bharatiya Sikhyabyabostha, (A text book), ISBN N0:978-93-91158-08-8, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, 2021
24. Abinashi Bisador Jadukori Rati (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-01-0, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2021
25. Great Educational Thinkers (A text book), Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, April, 2021
26. Measurement and Evaluation in Education & Laboratory Practical, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, November, 2021
27. Sugandhi Rodor Muhamoyee Alpana (Assamese Poem Book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-10-2, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, December, 2021
28. Role of women in Changing the Society (Ed.), ISBN N0: 978-81-955557-5-8, Scieng Publications, Tamilnadu-604303(India) (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company), January 2022
29. Bharator Sikhyar kramavikas- ? (Development of Education in India-1) (Assamese medium) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91158-33-0, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati, January, 2022
30. Bharator Sikhyar kramavikas- ? (Development of Education in India-2) (Assamese medium) (A text book), ISBN N0: 978-93-91158-35-4, Assam Book Depot, Guwahati January, 2022
31. NSS in Socio- Economic Development (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 4th and 6th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-23-2, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat May, 2022
32. Artha-Samajik Unnayanot Rastriya Sewa Asoni (Skill Enhancement Course for BA. CBCS 4th and 6th Semester under Dibrugarh University), ISBN N0: 978-93-91883-22-5 Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, May, 2022
33. Meghasna hridayar Rodali (Assamese Poem Book), Unika Prakashan, Jorhat September, 2022
34. Rastriya Sewa Asoni aru Yuva Samaj (3rd Semester Skill Enhancement Course for BA/B.Sc/B.com Course under Dibrugarh University as per FYUGP Syllabus), ISBN N0: 978-93-93883-53-9, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, August, 2024
35. NSS for Youth (3rd Semester Skill Enhancement Course for BA/B.Sc/B.com Course under Dibrugarh University as per FYUGP Syllabus), ISBN N0: 978-93-93883-70-6, Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, August, 2024
B) Books Edited
1) Women Empowerment Vol-I (Ed.),ISBN-978-93-86603-89-3 New Delhi Publishers,
New Delhi, 2019
2) Women Empowerment Vol-II (Ed.), ISBN-978-93-86603-89-3 New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, 2019
3) Impact of Corvid -19 on Indian Society (Ed.)ISBN-978-9385756-99-6, Balaji Publications, Meerut U. P., 2020
4) Ai-Seng (Ed.) Souvenir published on the occasion of 11th Annual Women Convention of ACTA, ISBN-978-93-92529-06-1, Swahid Peoli Phukan College, Namti, November,
5) Role of women in Changing the Society (Ed.), ISBN-978-81-955557-5-8, Scieng Publications,Tamilnadu-604303(India) (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company), January 2022