03772 296164

Faculty Details

DR. JITU SAIKIA / jitusai


Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

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Dr. Jitu Saikia


M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.


English Language Structure



Email Id / jitusai

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Area Of Interest

Fiction. Pretty interested in postcolonial literature of African and Indian region.


1. Authored a book entitled A Concise Textbook of Linguistics and Phonetics, ISBN: 978-81-923225-2-0 published by Nivedita Publications, Guwahati, Assam 2. Published a research article entitled Hardy’s Tess – a Window to Victorian Society: a Study in UGC Care list journal International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 9, Issue 2, February -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429 3. Published a research article entitled HARDY’S VICTORIAN COUNTRY LIFE AS REFLECTED THROUGH HIS RUSTIC CHARACTERS IN HIS NOVELS: A STUDY in UGC Care list Journal Utkal Historical Research Journal, ISSN: 0976-2132 Vol.-XXXIV, No-IV, 2021 4. Published a research article entitled UNVEILING STARK REALITY OF HARDY’S VICTORIAN SOCIETY AS REFLECTED THROUGH THE CHARACTER OF SUSAN IN THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE in UGC Care list journal JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF MUMBAI, ISSN: 0972-0766, Vol. XCV, No.30, 2022 5. Published a research article entitled Hardy’s Rural England as Presented through His Characterization: A Study of Hardy’s Rustic Characters in His Three Major Novels in Panchajanya, ISSN 2230-911X, Vol V 2013, an annual research journal published by Sivasagar Zonal Committee, Assam College Teachers Association 6. Published a research article entitled The Feministic Fervour in Hardy’s Portraiture of Bathsheba in Panchajanya, ISSN 2230-911X, Vol V 2014, an annual research journal published by Sivasagar Zonal Committee, Assam College Teachers Association 7. Published a research article entitled Hardy’s Characterization: A Real Document of Victorian Society in Panchajanya, ISSN 2230-911X, Vol V 2015, a peer reviewed annual research journal published by Sivasagar Zonal Committee, Assam College Teachers Association 8. Published a research article entitled Thomas Hardy’s Bathsheba, A Voice of Upsurging Feminism and Traditional Femininity in Victorian England in Panchajanya, ISSN 2230-911X, Vol V 2016, a peer reviewed annual research journal published by Sivasagar Zonal Committee, Assam College Teachers Association

Book Edited

1. sole editor of Panchajanya, ISSN 2230-911X, Vol V 2014, an annual research journal published by Sivasagar Zonal Committee, Assam College Teachers Association

Orientation Course

1. UGC sponsored Orientation Programme organised by Academic Staff College, Gauhati University from 12th February to 11th March 2007

Desig Title

Associate Professor

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